Chapter 1

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The girl stood at the front of the class wringing her hands, clutching her bright green mittens that are fraying a bit around the wrists. She wore pink heart-shaped earmuffs, her dirty-blonde hair falling to her shoulders, and her skate clad feet shifting restlessly. The rest of the class waited expectantly for the teacher to introduce her, and he did so, resting his hand on her shoulder with a smile.

"We have a new student joining us on the ice today, class," he said as he looked down at her. "Go on, introduce yourself." The girl took one look at all the children before her and immediately bit her lip, before finally sucking it up and opening her mouth to introduce herself.

"G-good morning everyone," she said quietly, like a mouse. My name is-"


Alison. I'm Alison. Nice to meet you. Would you believe me if I told you I was an idiot? A damn, bloody idiot? I would. I'm reckless, quick to anger, sarcastic, and so, SO indecisive. But I'll tell you one thing. I never go back on a promise. Even if years pass, that promise will eat away at me until I physically ache with guilt. So I get it all done. Eventually. Oh right, add "master procrastinator" to the list.


The girl may have been a standing scarecrow during her introduction, but the moment Yakov signalled for the free skate warmup, she whizzed off down the side of the rink like the Flash, without so much as a word. She flew like the wind, making unbelievably small strokes for the amount of power propelling her forward. Her hair flew out behind her, and her face broke into a massive grin that seemed to take up most of her face.


I've always enjoyed skating, not because pulling off random jumps and stuff gave me satisfaction, not because I wanted to beat the next guy over, but because it gave me a sense of freedom. The feeling I got from skating was what I imagined being a angel would be like, totally free of the burden of my human body. I felt like one of those fairies in the storybooks.


The girl skated circles around the others, who just watched in amazement.

"Alright! Now everyone, spread eagle one by one!" Yakov called out.

And one by one, the children lined up and slid across the ice, legs spread in a graceful pose, smooth as anything. The girl stepped up for her turn, and mimicked the others, only to fall flat on her face.

"That's alright," the coach called over the children's giggles as the girl picked herself up with a flustered expression a took her place at the back of the line.

"Okay, now leg up high this time!"

Again, the children did as they were told. This time, the girl managed to get her leg up, but was visibly wobbling, and stumbled heavily, barely catching herself against the side of the rink. The coach watched with a deep frown, and the other students just looked downright confused. This was an advanced class, and she could barely pull off the basics. She took her place at the back of the line, her face showing no sign of frustration.

"Alright, now waltz jumps. Go!"

The girl waited for her turn, keeping her mouth set into a thin line. But a slight sheen of sweat was visible on her brow, and she leaned sideways to get a better view of how the others were doing their jumps. The silver-haired boy just in front glanced back at her once, but other than that, the kids avoided eye contact. When it was her turn, all eyes were on her, and she took a deep breath, before shooting off across the ice. Flying like the wind, she readied herself and pushed off in a leap.... only to land with a stumble and slam into the boards on the opposite end of the rink. Some of the children gasped, others snickered. Most just stood there in awe. But just like before, the girl stood, and skated back over to her spot, albeit with a small limp and a wince. She stood there, not budging, and you could practically hear the crickets in the arena.


Did I mention I'm a bit stubborn? Because I am.


"Are you sure you're in the right class, little girl? Your speed is remarkable, but you know this is the advanced class, right?"

She nodded.

"Have you ever learned to do spread eagle?"

She shook her head.

"Can you skate backwards at all?"

Another shake.

Yakov's hand was on his head.

"Then what are you doing here?"

No answer.


Of course, it wasn't my idea to start doing figure skating in particular. I'd always adored skating for fun, but my father insisted that I try. It was an order. He had cancer at the time, and this was his last wish, for me to try. Ever since I was little, he was convinced I had a jet pack hidden in my jacket. "How's my girl so fast?" He would say.

Of course, I couldn't deny him this. He'd held my hand, looked into my eyes, and told me I was born for something like this. To make history. I was nine.

So he enrolled me in the advanced class. My mother didn't approve of it. She said it was a waste of time and money. But she softened up, of course, because she knew it was what my dad had wanted. After my first lesson of course, she had to clear things up with Yakov, and for some reason, I was allowed to stay despite my inadequacy.


"Alright everyone, that's enough for today." And the children flocked towards the changeroom, the ice thoroughly torn up. The girl plopped herself down on a bench, covered in bruises, and began yanking at her laces, her frustration finally showing itself fully. Her gaze stayed on the floor, but was reluctantly pulled upward by the pair of skates that stopped at her feet.

It was the silver-haired boy from before. He looked rather shy, but looked her straight in the eye.

"If you want," he said, his blue eyes, meeting her green ones without a hint of the mocking she had expected, "I can teach you."

The girl sat straight as a stick, her eyes wide in surprise, and her mouth hanging open.

"Really? You'd do that? Why?"

He shrugged, pushing aside the hair that fell in front of his face with a knowing smile.

"Yakov's not gonna have time to give you proper training given the size of the class, and you don't have the same experience the rest of us do." The girl frowned.

"You overheard the phone call with my mother, didn't you?" He suddenly looked a little guilty and he looked away for the first time.

"W-well, I-"

"I don't want your pity if that's why you're doing this."

"It's not that. In all honesty, I just wanted an excuse to be your friend."

He then extended his hand to her, a broad smile on his face rivaling hers from earlier that day.

"Call me Viktor!"

A/N - I have succumbed to the guilty pleasure of Yuri!!! On Ice. Why didn't I see this coming? Hope you enjoyed this first chapter.

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