Chapter 3

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And so, my mother sat me down, and we had a little talk about my life. About my future. 

"I know you took on skating in accordance to your father's wishes, and you've done wonderfully, but," she lifted her head from her tea to look at me directly, "I think this has gone on long enough." I stiffened, my mouth set in a thin line.

"I don't know what you mean. I'm happy with what I'm doing." She nodded.

"Yes, but dear, your grades have slipped as well. Don't think I haven't seen your report cards."

"You know, it's very rude to snoop through someone's things."

"My point is that you need to stop this. You're in your senior year of high school, Alison. You need to start thinking about university! What are you going to apply for? How will you support yourself?"

"But mom-" 

"Figure skating is all temporary! It's a fickle sport! Have you ever seen a skater older than thirty or so? How will that put bread on your table?" Her face was slightly red as she ran through all her worries in one breath. I just looked down.

"But mom, I-I don't know what I want to do. I've put close to no thought into this." 

"Well, you'd better start," she said sternly. "Take some time to find a profession you would enjoy. I won't be alive forever after all. I think it's time you took your leave from competitive skating." My heart tightened as I pushed my chair back with a screech, my hand flying to my chest as I grasped the fabric over my heart.

"I've put my heart and soul into this! And you want me to just throw it all away?" I screeched. "Skating is my whole life-" My mother's voice rose an octave above my own.

"It's a hobby, Ali!" Her chair screeched as she stood to meet my height. And our kitchen was silent as we stared at one another. I bit my lip, the first of us to look away. Her shoulders visibly relaxed. 

"The last competition of the season is at the end of this month. I won't make you stop now. It would be unseemly for you to quit before the end. But this will be your last season."

"No, mom!"

"It is! End of discussion!"

And it really was the end of the discussion. She left the room without another word, and I just stood there, my hands clenching and unclenching as I tasted blood where I had bitten my lip just a little too hard. My eyes squeezed shut as I gave it my all to not cry.

I failed miserably.


"Ali!" I heard the rapid sounds of blades shredding ice approaching me and sliding to a stop. My eyes switched from the ceiling to Viktor's concerned face, his long hair cascading down his back. I loved the way it swayed back and forth when he skated, but it always got tangled!

"Uh, yeah," I took his hand and he pulled me up with a grunt, steadying me when I stumbled.

"Careful now," he studied my face closely as Yakov came up behind us. I merely brushed the fresh powder off my tights and hoodie with a sigh.

"What's the matter with you today, Alison?" he frowned. "You're really struggling with your jumps today. It's unlike you." I gave a small smile.

"Sorry, Yakov. I'm just a bit off today, I guess. I'll be fine."

"Alright, let's just try it again," Viktor cheered and raised his hand for a high-five. I grinned and slapped my palm against his. 

"Actually, how about you take a short break, Alison," Yakov suggested. "Let me work with Viktor on his program for a while." I nodded and skated to the benches, where I sat and intently watched my best friend receive pointers from the old man. I sighed and rested my head on my hands. 

Viktor's skating was flawless. There was no other way to put it. It wasn't only his graceful movements, or the way he could land that quadruple flip with such consistency. Of course, that's what got you points in a competition. But what always fascinated me was Viktor's facial expressions. Most of time, outside of practice, Viktor was a bundle of energy. He'd whine, laugh, even impulsively cuddle. Heck, he didn't even need sugar to take on the demeanor of the energizer bunny. Word of advice from me, as Viktor's long-time friend: if you ever see him with coffee, run. Run far, far away, and don't look back. 

Viktor was strangely innocent, and yet, not at all. There were moments when he could come across strangely flirty and sexual, and more times than not, it seemed intentional. I would often wave it off since it wasn't consistent, and I usually found it quite amusing. His innocence and good intentions shone through just as brightly though. There was that time at his house when I got my period for the first time. That was fun. Note the heavy sarcasm. But that's a story for another time.

Viktor also wasn't good at talking about serious things. He wasn't good with people crying in front of him either, it just got him all flustered. Learned that through experience. But he was also capable of expressing the deepest of feelings when you least expected it. One of those instances was in his skating.

Now, as I watched him, I could see ambition. His hair flowing out behind him as he performed a spread eagle, and splayed out around him as he transitioned into a triple axle. He was excited for the upcoming competition, and ready to give it his all. He always spoke about how each new performance should be approached differently. That's what kept him going. Inspiration.

But there was something else mixed in there. Along with the focus etched onto his face, there was a frown. Like he was thinking about something. That, in turn, seemed to make his current jump come out less cleanly than usual. My eyebrows scrunched together as I began to frown myself. He'd better not be worrying about me.

My turn soon came, and I was much better than before, much to my delight. Yakov nodded in approval at the improvement, especially when I finally managed to land a quadruple flip like Viktor had earlier.

"Yes! Finally!" I fist pumped with enthusiasm. "Did you see Viktor?" I called to him.

"Of course I did! You looked so good!" His eyes were wide and bright, like a child's "Like one of those Olympians!"

Yakov let out a laugh.

"Well, it's time to call it a day. I know you two like to stay behind awhile most days, but don't tire yourselves out too much. The competition is in a little over a week!"

We bade him goodnight and the door slammed shut behind him, echoing in the silence of the now empty arena.

A/N - Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to comment! I love listening to your responses, and I get to fangirl with you guys! 

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