The End

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Aphmau's POV


It was over. Aaron blocked my number. It was the next day, and I was over a Lucinda's, Katelyn was there too. I had just told them the news.

"What! I'm gonna go find that butt and drag him back here!"

"Oh please Katelyn, the key to a man's heart isn't through violence. It's through jealousy." said Lucinda

"Puh-lease Lucinda! Everyone knows my way is better!"

"That explains why you've never had a real boyfriend"

(ooh savage)

"I had Jeffery!"

"No, sweetheart, I said a real boyfriend"

(ooh she's spitten straight fire)

"You wanna fight, Lucinda!"

"Come at me, Katelyn!"

Katelyn and Lucinda got into a fighting stance, but Lucinda slowly slipped out of hers. She started to mumble a spell.

Lucinda then teleported Travis shirtless into the room.

"What the, where- why am I.....Heeeeeeeeey, Katelyn" Travis said.

Katelyn then ran out of the room screaming "Luuuuuuuucindaaaaaa"

"I'm just gonna go home Lucinda, thanks for trying." I said

I went home, and thought about what Lucinda had said. Suddenly I had an epiphany. "That's it!" I exclaimed

I ran over to Laurance's house and knocked on the door knock, knock, knock. Laurance opened the door.

"Hey Aph, how's it..."

"Laurence will you go out with me?!"

Continue to next chapter:


Hey!! It's Bhavz, I'm doing a collab with my bestie Claire,@ Party_with_Piplup

Sorry for the short Chapter hopefully they will get longer!

We hope you enjoy.

Bhavs snapchat: @penguinbhavs

Claire's Snapchat: @partywithpiplup

Forever Apart  (Laurence x Aphmau)Where stories live. Discover now