The Actual Shipping Shrine

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Aphmau's POV

I yawned. I was on my bed reading a book. I don't usually read, but Katelyn wanted to start a book club so I wanted, actually no, was Forced to help her.


I went to go see what the bang was. Turns out it wasn't in my house but rather Kawaii~Chan's house. I walked over to their house, and knocked twice on their door. No one answered.
"Hmmm, Interesting." I mumbled.

I knocked again. I walked to the window, and lifted it up easily. I crawled over the sill. Inside it was SUPER pink. Ugh too pink if you ask me. I went to the kitchen and stole a few cookies. Katelyn ran down the stairs and out the door. The good side to being a tiny potato, not as many people notice you. I crept to the stairs, the noise had died down so I couldn't tell where it was coming from. Katelyn's room was empty and bland, but Kawaii-chans was SO pink it hurt. EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING was pink. I shielded my eyes and closed the door, that left the basement.

As I walked into the basement I felt super Deja vu. It almost was like back at the old house. Walking down the stairs to find Kawaii-chan building her shipping shrine. I brushed that thought aside, it was too much with Aaron gone. I opened the door at the end of the stairway and was welcomed by a really creepy basement. I heard a hammer banging away. I walked around, basically blind. Then I saw some light. Of course that was where the noise was coming from.

I mentally prepared myself for what I would find, but even that wasn't enough. I crept toward it, and hid behind a pile of crates. I peeked around the crate, and saw Kawaii-chan with her back to me. She was putting something together. She stood up and walked over to a box and pulled out a TON of photos. The worst part, they were of me and Laurence. Oh no. The gears in my head started turning, putting the prices together. The shrine, the pictures, the date. I was being shipped. Again.

Ugh stupid Kawaii-chan, stupid Laurence. Wait Laurence wouldn't do this. So was it Katelyn, no. Wait Cadenza's car was here earlier. No please no. I groaned. Then immediately  regretted it. Kawaii-chan was a meif'wa, so she can hear better than normal humans. Stupid me. Kawaii-chan's ears perked straight up, she look straight at me.

"Oh, hello Aphmau-senpai. Why is Aphmau-senpai here?"
"Oh I was just coming to see you, Kawaii-chan."
"Really! Aphmau-Senpai wanted too see Kawaii-chan?"
"Ummm totally, you see I'm going on a date tonight...
"Huh with Laurence-kun!?"
" yes, with Laurence, aaaaand I wanted you to help me with my outfit, yeah."
Kawaii-chan looked me up and down.
"Yes, Kawaii-chan will totally help Aphmau-senpai!!"

I sighed, but unfortunately it wasn't over. Kawaii -chan grabbed my hand and dragged me toward her shipping shrine. "Does Aphmau-senpai like it?"
"Umm Kawaii-chan haven't we talked about you shipping me?" "Ugh Aphmau-Senpai never appreciates Kawaii-Chans work, but this is where Kawaii-chan puts Kawaii-chans foot down. Aphmau-Senpai cannot make Kawaii-chan take down the shrine." "Fine Kawaii-chan, you can keep the shrine up, just don't mention it to anyone, ok?" "Hmph fine, Kawaii-chan won't talk about it to people." "OMI, thank you Kawaii-chan."

"Whatever, now let's go get Aphmau-senpai a dress." And she dragged me back through her maze of a basement and out the front door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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