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 By the time we got to the main stage Sleeping With Sirens were already playing their first song. Me and f/n were all the way in the back. We sang along to Kellin's voice. I took some videos.

They started to play there last song If You Can't Hang but I looked at the time and it was almost time for the meet and greet. "We should get going!" I yelled to f/n. She frowned.

"Fine..." She rolled her eyes. We started walking to Waterparks merch tent. As we walked we sang If You Can't Hang.

"If you can't hang then, there's the door

I don't wanna take your precious time

'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face

But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time

I don't wanna take up all your time

'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face

But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time," we sang. Once we finished singing the song we realize we were at waterparks merch tent. There was a super long line and of course me and f/n were in the back of it. A few minutes later the boy got there. The meet and greet started.

... 2 Hours later...

There were only two more people in front of us. No one was behind us. We walked the fans that were in front of us go crazy when it was their turn. I looked down. "Are you ready to see your boyfriend?" f/n laughed.

"Shut up," I blushed. I looked up and we were next in line. The fan in front of us took a selfie with the band and hugged them goodbye. She walked away.

"Last and definitely not least," Awsten looked at us with a smile on his face. We walked to the band and hugged all of them. I never wanted to leave Awsten's arms, I felt so safe in them. I back away. Me and f/n bought some t-shirts and put them in our bags. We talked for a really long time since we were the last ones.

"You girls are pretty cool," Awsten smiled at me. I'm pretty sure awsten winked at me but I couldn't tell cause he was wearing sunglasses. I think me and f/n are friends with Waterparks now... Or I hope we're friends...  

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