Tabitha season 3

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Thank you for reading Tabitha season 2 and being patient for season 3 to come out! Tabitha will have about 5 seasons !

Wasted: chapter 1
Adam started to kiss my neck "do you like it Tabitha ?", he said. I started to cry and scream "no one can hear you!!" He said in an aggressive way! Then he touched me uncomfortably again, then he did it. I always thought I would be a Virgin for ever but it seems like it wasn't going to be like that.

I cried and screamed, I can't believe I had gotten raped by a jerk, "Tabitha your mine now hahah", I cried as Adam laughed. I tried to punch him in the face until he smacked me in the face. Blood ran down from my mouth as I screamed ADAM!!, I thought I was a emo before!!!

He pushed me off the bed and then he sat me down on a chair and started flicking this sharp knife at my face. "Tabitha, you have to kiss me or then I will stab you in the heart. I cried until I had made my choice, I have to kiss the jerk, "fine Adam, I will kiss you but what do you want from me?", I don't want to die I have many years coming. "Tabitha I don't want you to be with any guy, only me. Also I dumped my girlfriend at the restaurant!" Said Adam. "Adam I don't want you, do you know how bad is to destroy someone's life, but your heartless!" I said. Then he got his heavy shoe and slapped it on my head! I fell off the chair.

Adam's perspective: The thing is that if Dallas finds out that Tabitha knows that he can summon demons they will be enemies so I don't even want them to know each other.  it's for Tabitha's good to keep her away from danger, I raped her so she can stop having a relationship with Dallas! Now I hope she has lost her memory so now she won't have a clue about who Dallas is. She will only remember me! I get my phone out and call ambulance, "Hello sir how could I help you today", says the paramedic, "my girlfriend fell off a chair and she isn't waking up!!", I say. "Okay sir which address", says the woman," uh its Woodstock high, the boarding school!". "Okay we will be there in one minute".

AFTER 1 MINUTE: the paramedics come and take Tabitha to the hospital! Yes my plan finally worked, now she will adore me and only me, I hope I don't mess anything up. I will add a bit of romance to the touch. Maybe I could pretend to be her boyfriend when she has no clue as well.

I drive my way to the hospital then I find Tabitha's ward, as I walk inside the doctor rushes in front of me in worry "sir your girlfriend has lost her memory and I think she will still remember you but no one else". I smile and half frown, I think I shouldn't have done this. She might not even remember her family, why did I do this?? I am starting to regret this whole thing!

Then Tabitha wakes up, "Adam?". She says in a confused voice, "where am I?". Say Tabitha in a annoying tone. "Babe your at the hospital", I say. Then she gives me this confused look on her face. "Adam since when did you start calling me babe?", Tabitha struck me when she said that.

I had to make up something! "well an hour ago I said to you "Tabitha will you be my girlfriend?", and you said yes but then Dallas came in and hit you. Dallas hates you because of me but Tabitha I love you, it's called seriously in love".

Her mouth opens and her eyes widen "really Adam, because I love you too, how adorable". I kiss her hand as she smiles, "Adam who is Dallas??", says Tabitha in a curious voice. "Uh he is a jerk that I know".

The doctor comes back in the room "sir I think it would be fine to take your girlfriend home, but she will need a lot of rest". Says the doctor. I help Tabitha get out of bed and we both walk back to my car.

5 MINUTES Later: we get out and Tabitha sits on the couch, I call the principle that Tabitha is sick and that she can't study today. I look back at her pale and confused face, I know she feels something deep in the inside, maybe about Dallas, I hope not.

Then I get a phone call from Dallas:

Dallas: Hey Adam
Me: hi what's up dude
Dallas: I was wondering if I could visit you
Me: why?
Dallas: well uh...
Me: come on man
Dallas: I was thinking if I could take Tabitha out, well I kinda like her
Me: Dallas tonight we have study
Dallas: no you don't! No one has studying at night!!
Me: bad luck Dallas
Dallas: I am coming no matter what happens
Me: in your little pity dreams!
Dallas: Adam is there something going on in this dorm of your's
Me: uh no- not really
Dallas: when you talk to me, your voice is a bit nervous!
Me: no it isn't!
Dallas: okay see you in 2 minutes

"Your phone call ended"

Little lies : chapter 2

Adams perspective: god what did I do again! I have kinda messed it up, I wanted to prevent this all from happening. Now if Dallas finds out that Tabitha has lost her memory I will be done and dusted forever!

"What's going on Adam?", says Tabitha. "Um a friend of yours is going to visit you and take you out!", I say in a nervous voice. "Which friend Adam?", says Tabitha. "A guy called Dallas". I say, "okay Adam!", answers back Tabitha.

Tabitha's perspective: when Adam said Dallas I picture a handsome guy in my mind but it didn't make sense. Then we hear a knock on the door, I open it the I see the most handsome guy in the world "Tabitha! How are you?", he says. I look at him confused, how does he know my name? Then he looks back at me because I didn't answer him, then he walks towards Adam and says "what's up man!". They do a fist bump and walk into the kitchen and get soft drinks out!

Dallas looks at me and says "now I want to take Tabitha out to a park or something!", I shiver, why does he want to take me somewhere?? He comes closer to me and puts his hand on my shoulder and leads me to the door "shall we?!", he says in his charming British accent.

I walk out of the door all confused and then after one second Dallas starts to kiss me in the lips, I feel alive again then I start to remember everything, for god's sake I had lost my memory. Now I remember all over again, split second! I push Dallas away "Tabitha are you okay!", says Dallas, I start to cry " what's wrong my love!". "A-Adam r-raped m-me!", I say as I sniff and sob at the same time. "What The Hell, I will kill this man right now! It was all my fault, I wasn't there for you!!!! AGHHH!!!". Yells Dallas like the world will end. "No one hurts my girl!", he gets a gun out of my pocket and at the same time my face turns pale. "Don't kill me Dallas!", I say in shock. "Tabitha are you nuts I won't kill you! Don't be frightened. He opens the dorm door and then I close my eyes as I hear the gun shot.

This is the end of the first two chapters of Tabitha season 2, the next two will be published on the 20th of January or earlier! But for now Merry Christmas everyone!!!:) and stay tuned. "What will happen to Dallas and Tabitha". "Is Adam dead?"

Guys I also have some shoutouts to 4 wonderful people

Check out all of there books and Ink_Monster_ has a storycalled "asleep" so check that out! Including Emotion_Blue has a story called "but we were perfect". Check both wonderful stories!!:)

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