" You're not going to be a bad person"

433 191 58

Danny ^^

Rose POV

We are at king cross station. Guards were Obviously surrounding us but they were wearing there normal clothes.

It's nice too see a change they always are in there uniform. So anyway we are here because Danny got his letter from Hogwarts so now we are heading to Hogwarts express.

I am holding Nathans hand while, Danny is with Edward they are walking in front of us. Our chambermaid is pushing the trolley cart behind us.

I look at Danny and he looks like he is going to throw up.

"Danny it's going to be okay, you're going to have lots of fun you finally get to be in a different place that is not a castle"I said reassuringly.

"Mum Hogwarts is a castle"Danny replied

"Correct but there will be no kings and queens nor princes or princess. Just normal people and now you will get a chance to be normal too". Edward said

"Come on you will enjoy it. I promise"        I said. Danny slowly nodded.

We were now standing right in front of 9 3/4 quarters.

Danny and Edward ran through the wall than me and Nathan and than few of the guards and then the caretakers. When we got to the other side the kids were astonished and I say so myself Edward and I were astonished too. 

I mean I have never been to Hogwarts before all of my studies for witchcraft I learned back at my home a private teacher used to come at the castle and teach me.

"Mum what if I go to slytherin I don't want to be a bad person."Danny said

"Oh,love your not going to be a bad person many people who went to slytherin they did not become bad like Professor Snape he was not bad".I said

I look down at him and see that he was still worried I bent down to his level and looked him in the eye "Even though if you go to slytherin you will still be my charming young man and I will love you no matter what. A house will never bring a change in person it only changes the person if you let it change you.If you want to become a bad boy ok if you want become a good boy fine by me but remember and always remember you will always be my little boy and I will love you no matter what you do."I told him.He nods I kiss him on the cheek.

"Mom what if no one wants to be my friend and treat me differently" Danny says".

"Oh Danny everyone will love to be your friend if no one wants to be your friend then that's their loss, and everyone will of course treat you differently because everyone is unique in their own way".

"Ok big boy go to the train or else it will leave you here come on. Now hurry up we will see you in Christmas" Edward says he bents down to his level and kissed him on his cheek

"Why do I feel like you are happy that I am leaving, also stop kissing I feel like a baby" Danny said

"Oh big boy don't say that, I am going to start tearing up now so you don't want to see your old man crying now do you."Edward say wiping away a fake tear.

We all laugh.

"Alright hurry up now" "Bye" Danny says as he enters the train "Bye my love"I say. And there he goes off to his first year at Hogwarts

Hope you like this chapter

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