"Excuse me gentlemen."

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Ginny 👆🏻

Rose POV

I was sitting in the dinning room with our kingdom's army commender and few of our kingdom's soldiers.We discussing about the security of the kingdom.Suddenly a letter flew from our window being carried by Danny's owl.

I quickly opened the letter and gasped "excuse me gentleman".I got some weird looks but I did not care and I quickly ran out of the dining room to my husband. "Edward guess what,Danny made it to Slytherin" "What OMG you have to be
kidding me I'm so happy for him wait how did you find out".

"Oh Danny just send us a letter loo...."Your majesties I am really sorry to intrude but the kingdom is under a attack"a soldier says out of breath and he is panting so hard from the looks of it,it looks like he ran 12 miles."WHAT" both Rose and Edward say in unison."Yes your majesty what should we do" Edward turns towards me and says "Go take Eliot and go to the safe room I will take care of this"

"Alright" "GO" I quickly run to go and find my son many thoughts running through my mind like who is attacking,will Edward be okay,will the people of our kingdom be okay.....

Harry POV
As I enter my house after 6 days I hear crying and I instantly know who that is Ginny. "Ginny" I call out her name as I come into the living room "huh Harry" Ginny quickly grabs me into a big strong hug "I'm so,so,so sorry Harry I really am" "It's alright Ginny I'm sorry too" "Here Harry I got the box back" " H..how did you get it" " I have my ways".

"Thank you" Ginny smiles "Ginny I am sorry for yelling at you and making you cry" "No Harry I should be the one saying sorry I honestly did not know,that it was important to you" "It's alright"Harry replied.

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