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Ian's POV

" Dude, stop moping around you didn't deserve her" I said to Lip for maybe the 4th time in the past minute. Lip groaned as he walked out of the room, the blue comforter wrapped around himself as he descended down the stairs 

" Oh what's wrong with him now?" Olivia groaned, walking out of the bathroom with damp hair 

" He's moping again" I said with a roll of my eyes as Olivia shook her head

" He shouldn't be moping around" She said as she closed the bedroom door. I made my way downstairs seeing everyone situated around the kitchen table eating their breakfast

" Morning Ian, want anything?" Fiona asked as I grabbed a poptart and took a soda out of the fridge 

I brought up the two foods as Fiona rolled her eyes

" That isn't a good breakfast Ian" She said in her ' parental' voice. I shrugged my shoulders at her as I walked into the kitchen to see Lip on the couch, bags under his eyes as he watched the TV 

" You know there's other girls, girls that are crazy about you, girls that actually give a shit about you" I said to him as he took his gaze off the TV and faced me 

" Who Ian? Who?" He asked, getting agitated

" You're fucking blind man" I sighed as Olivia came down the stairs in a striped tshirt dress and denim button up shirt as she hummed a tune

" Pull up, skurt 

get in the ride

Left hand is steering the other is gripping your thigh" Her and Carl sang as loud as they could as Olivia grabbed a toaster waffle and walked to the front door, slipping on her adidas shoes as she winked at both Lip and me 

" Steve's taking you two out, so get ready" Fiona said, taking the comforter off Lip as he glared at her

" Come on let's go" I said as we both walked up the stairs, Lip trudging behind 

" I swear if you don't ask out Liv I think Mandy will"  I said to Lip, turing harshly on my heels 

" What do you mean?"

" I've seen the way you look at her, you're in love with her. And don't you fucking say you don't fall in love" I said, getting agitated 

" So what if I like her? What am I doing, breaking the law or something?" He asked, pushing past me 

A smirk played at my lips as I walked into our shared room, pulling a black hoodie over my shirt as Lip rolled his eyes at me

" Does she like me?" He asked, taking a cigarette from behind his ear

" I don't know" I said with a smirk as I pulled my shoes on 


Olivia's POV

I sat on the front porch of the Malkovich household, a cigarette in one hand and a can of cherry coke in the other. The rickety old door flew open as I turned

" Why the fuck are you out here? It's fucking freezing" Mickey exclaimed as he pulled his coat on 

" Mickey how do you tell someone you love them?" I asked him as he stared at me 

" What the fuck do you mean?" He asked, slipping beside me as he took the cigarette from me 

" I've liked someone, for like a really long time and now they've broken up with their skank of a girlfriend and-" I started off as Mickey shook his head 

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