Part fifteen: The best day <3

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I woke up to up to a strange environment. I looked around and it toke me a moment to realize where I was. Oh yeah. I got up to use the restroom in the hallway and I realized no one was up yet. Great. My stomach growled at me the moment I realized it. I jumped back in bed and cuddled up against my covers and my mind instantly drifted to Alicia.

To Alicia:

I didn’t want to come in your room and get in trouble. Are you awake?

No reply. Crap. My stomach growled again. I got up and looked around in my backpack to see if I’d brought any food with me. Bingo. Granola bar. Damn this is good. I dug in my bag some more and pulled out Alicia’s surprise. I’d gotten her an ‘I <3 NY’ t-shirt and a One Direction teddy bear with an ‘I <3 Niall’ t-shirt on it. I smiled at the thought of giving it too her. I’m defiantly going to spoil her rotten. Suddenly the door opened and Alicia stood there. She had on my tee shirt and some tight black pant things. Damn.

"What’s that?" She whispered sitting down on the floor beside me.

"What I got for you from New York."

"Awh Niall." She smiled and gave me a morning hug. I smiled against her.

"How did you sleep? That’s an awful bed."

"I slept alright. It’s an amazing bed when you’re use to twin sized."


"How’d you sleep darling?" I asked pushing the hair out of her face.

"Awful. My bed is bigger without you." She said giving me a puppy dog face. God that face.

"I’m sorry love." I leaned in to kiss her but she turned her head. Ugh. What the…

"Kiss me." I said crossing my arms.

"No, I have morning breath."

"I don’t care." I kissed her hard. She was right, she did have morning breath.

"Why do you taste like granola bars?" She said pushing me away and giving me a ‘confess now’ look.

"I got hungry and…" I looked down at the wrapper on the floor. She just giggled and leaned against my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed the top of her head. I love this girl.

"Alicia…" I said. No I can’t tell her, not now.


"I…" Niall no! You can’t possibly. She might not feel the same about you yet and you’ll ruin everything. Fuck, I’m right.

"Niall?" I looked over at her and sighed.

"I’m hungry." Whew.

"Mom should be waking up soon. Do you want a snack till then?" She asked with a serious face.

"Yes." I smiled.

"Come on love." She stood up, helped me up, and we walked into her room. I grabbed the box of cookies off the floor and lay down on her bed.

"Did you eat some after I left love?"

"Um… no…" She said innocently looking around the room.

"You did, didn’t you?"

"I might have one or two." I laughed and pulled her down onto me. I wrapped my hands around her face and kissed her. Her hands rested on me chest. I slowed the kiss down a bit and kissed her cheek. I love you. I thought.

"Niall do you think we’ll make it?"

"What do you mean love?" I asked taking a bite of my cookie.

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