Breakfast for lunch

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"Two weeks after my birthday party Vanes' moved away. She didn't even say good bye. Our favorite game was walk the plank. Where we two teams at kindergarten playing as Pirate against each other."


I feel my heart beat rising fast. "Dale stop." I say pushing him away "What? I have wanted to do that since high school." He turns around and presses the stop button of the elevator. "What did you just do?" "I stopped the elevator like you asked." "You know that is not what I meant." "I know but I'm not letting this elevator go another inches until you tell me what happened that you blame yourself for." "No, I'm not telling you." "So there is something. Vanes' please tell me." He says sliding his fingers on my arm and taking my hand which sent butterflies to my stomach. "You will hate me if I tell you. It is about Antony." "What about Antony?" Take a deep breath and just tell him.

"Okay on your fifth birthday we went into the woods to play hide and seek. It was Antony's turn to count and we hid. After a while you teamed up with him to look for me you gave up and went home while he was still looking for me. I got tired and crawled out of my hiding place and started walking home when I heard him close by. I hid behind a tree and shouted 'BOO' and he fell lifeless to the ground hitting his head on a rock the ground. I was scared and I just ran until I couldn't anymore and climbed into a tree and stayed there until the police found me." Take a breath. I sat down on the elevator floor. "It's is my fault I shouldn't have hid for so long and I shouldn't have tried to scare him. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I killed your brother."

"Who told you that you killed him?" "Your mother. She said that I was never allowed to come over or to play with you at kindergarten ever again and that it is my fault and she would never forgive me for it." He sat down next to me and took my hands away from my face. "Hey, don't cry." He said pulling me into his embrace. "It's been nineteen years and I can't believe that my mother blamed you for what happened and let you believe he was dead. Vanes' he is not dead you didn't kill him because he is alive." "What? He is not dead?" Wow I feel light headed. "No." He looked at me. "Ava are you alright?" "Just give me a moment. I need to lay down for a moment." I laid down on the floor while Dale stood up and unpress the stop button when we heard a loud bang. "What was that?!' I almost scream. "I don't know." "Okay breath, breath just breath, just relax close your eyes and relax." I whisper to myself and closing my eyes. "Ava you look really pail are you alright?" "No, I lied yesterday it is not my mother that is ill it is me. I have a heart condition and if my heart goes over 110bpm's my heart could give out." "What is your heart rate now?" I look at my heart rate watch. "105bpm's" "Okay so we just have to keep your heart rate low."

"I can't believe my mother let you believe that you killed Antony." "If I didn't kill him than what happened to him?" "He got bitten by a snake and the passed out from the venom and hid his head on a rock. Three days later he was fine again. He has his own company in New York now and is married and has a baby on the way." "Wow." "I have an idea on what to do to make the time pass." "What?" I say sitting up. Then he started leaning closer and closer and then when his lips crash down on mine he pulled me in to his embrace. His one hand holding my neck and the other on my waist. Then my watch went crazy and we stop. "I want to I really do but I can't right now." I say catching my breath.

"How long have we been stuck?" "For about seven hours. Where do you live?" "Two blocks from my restaurant but last night I went to Ethan because it felt like I was going to have a heart attack and I am sorry that he played the big brother card I told him that it wasn't anything you had done but he didn't believe me." "It is fine I understand. Are you cold because I could..." "No, thank you but I'm already laying with my head on your lap and I am not blind I have a pretty good idea how your body looks and If I was to see that now my heart would just do a triathlon race." "So, What I'm getting here is that you have thought about me without any clothing on." My cheeks just went red and hot. "Stop it. I meant from the torso up not down." "I know I just like seeing you blush." He bend down and gave me a kiss on my head. "So, what do you to relax?" He asked twirling my hair around his finger. "I like to sing." "Would you sing to me please?"

"I had my eyes up on the prize

Ain't watching anybody else
But your love, it hit me hard, girl
Yeah, you're bad for my health
I love the cards, that I've been dealt
Do you feel the same as well?

I'm not changing, the way, that I (used to be)
I just wanna have fun and (get rowdy)
One Coke and Bacardi (sippin' lightly)
When I walk inside the party (girls on me)
F1 type Ferrari (6 gear speed)
Girl, I love it when your body (grinds on me)

Oh yeah"

What time is it? Wait a minute this my room or my bed. "Good afternoon Sleeping Beauty." Dale says and come and sits next to me on the bed. "Hey Dale. Did you just say afternoon, what time is it?" "It is half past two." He said looking at his watch. "And I already the restaurant and I took the day off from work so I could spend the day or now the afternoon with you." "Where did you sleep?" "On the couch." "What why?" Because at two in the morning when they finally got us out you were sleeping in my arm and I didn't want to wake you to ask where you keep your house keys so I brought you to my home and I laid you down in my bed because I wanted to." Wow he is so sweet. "Follow me I have a surprise for you." "Okay." I say and he took my hand and led me to the kitchen and what I saw was a plate with two eggs, bacon, toasts a flower next to m plat and a glass full of juice. I turned around and threw my arms around his neck and kissed him.

I showered after I ate the best breakfast I had in a long time. I wrapped the towel around my body and walked out of the on suite bathroom to the living-room where Dale sat. 'Uhm Dale. Do you have some old clothing that I could borrow?" "Of course." He said with a schoolboy grin on his face. He gave me a black button up, a pair of Calvin Klein's and a black denim. "Calvin Klein. "Why am I not surprise?" "What you don't wear Victoria Secret?" "Nope, but I'm not complaining about the clothing, now would you please leave so that I could get dressed." "No, you are in my house." He took a step closer. "In my bedroom." He took a step closer. "About to put on my clothing so why would I leave?" He whispers in my ear and sent shivers down my spine. "Okay suit yourself I can get dressed without the towel falling off." I whisper back. "Is that a challenge?"

I didn't answer him instead I put on the shirt and button it up over the towel then i slip the underwear on and i was about to put the denim on when grabbed me from behind and threw me softly on the bed and I dropped the towel. He than took my hands and pressed them above my head and started kissing and biting me in my neck and I start laughing. "Dale stop I'm ticklish." I say laughing. "Oh is that so." He says while letting go of my hands and start tickling my waist when his finger slip over the scar he stopped. "May I look?" "Yeah.' I say catching my breath from all that laughing. "I like the tattoo over the scar."

He looks up into my eyes an then down to my lips. He leaned in and we started kissing when the doorbell rang and we hear a woman say. "I know you're in there Dale. Open the door for your mother." He sighs. "Do you think we can hide?" "I heard that Dale who is we?" "Coming mother." He left and I hear him open the door and I quickly put on his/my pants and walk to the kitchen.

"I asked a question you and who ells are here?" "Mother I was talking to my..." He looks at me." Girlfriend." "I complete his sentences for him and he smiles. "My girlfriend Vanes'." "Why do you look so familiar?" She asked looking ate me. That's because we use to be neighbors allow me to introduce myself. My name is Adelya Vanessa Anderson."

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