The feeling is mutual

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I never thought I would see Ava again after High school but I was wrong. When I saw her again in the restaurant she was even more beautiful than before. Of course I didn't know it was Ava back then but something in me told me that I knew her and that bothered me. She played the guess game and I was eager enough to play it with her.

Ava's POV

Ding dong. Knock. Knock. Knock. Why can't I be left alone? All what I want to do is eat ice cream all day and cry but Josh is worried that is will dehydrate again so he is staying with me. He sleeps in the guest bedroom and has been making me breakfast, lunch and dinner. He let me be alone but check up on me every hour. It has been almost a week since the break up. Ethan has been here twice I didn't open up but he knew I was in the house so he left the luggage outside my door with a note that if I want to talk that he would listen and if I want to cry his shoulders is a mile long and if I want a punching bag he knows a good pub.

"It is Ethan." I let out a sigh. "Open the door for him please." "Sure." He unlocks the door and opens it and Ethan walks in. "Ava do you have any idea how worried I was when..." He turns and sees that Josh is behind the door and not me. In a flash he threw Josh against the wall his hand around his through and the other pulled out a gun. "Ethan, no! Don't shoot him. He means no harm and has been helping me."

His grip loosened a bit and he calmly said. "Ava please tell me what is going on." It was scary so calm it was. "Josh was worried about me because he found me a bit dehydrated and he told me he was going to look after me till I'm over the breakup." "Okay but why would you be upset if you weren't meant for each other." "I lied about that. I didn't break up with him because I felt there wasn't a spark. I broke up with him because he cheated on me." Ethan let go of Josh and turned to me. "He what?" "He cheated on me with a drunken bimbo from the bar." "How do you know?" "I caught him. See he came home, sorry to his home past midnight and he wasn't alone. His shirt was unbuttoned there was lipstick everywhere and her arm was around his neck." He put the gun away and walked over to me and hugged me tight.

"I am going to break him. I don't care about my job." "No, you are not going to do anything to him never you or Josh." "Why didn't you tell me the truth when I was In New York?" "Because I knew you would break him right there." "Okay another question how did you know that you were on speaker." "I heard you sigh and your voice ego a bit. I sounded like the time you lost me in the water park and you called me."

We were sitting in the living room. "Since when do you have a gun Ethan?" "Since you were almost kidnapped and killed in a car crash." Oh wrong question. "Ethan what do you know about Antony Cunningham?" "Not much why?" "He is my halve brother." Ethan almost choked on his water. "Are you sure? Who told you?" "You knew didn't you?" "I knew your father had a relationship before you were born with another woman I never knew who. How did you found out?" "Long story short Josh told me and he is trying to protect me from Moira Cunningham." "Why?" "You know the money I received for my twenty first, well I spent most of the money investing in a company turns out it is Moira's company and she sold 51% to me and now she wants it back."

"That would make you the owner." "Yes it does. Ethan could you please organise something that everyone Dale, Moira, Antony and all the big shots are at a meeting next week." "Sure." "Josh I am going to need a body guard, you up for it." "No!" Ethan yelled. "I don't have the energy to tell you everything so I'll keep it short. He was paid to stalk and scare me when he found out about me and Dale he wanted to tell me everything that was what happened in the car but it didn't work out after he escape prison he told me in Greece that we need to talk and in New York told me everything and I dropped the charges."


"It is so nice that you are back after everything. How are you Ava?" "I have been better Mari. Is there anything I should know about? Any problems with suppliers? Angry customers?" "No, everything is fine but the veggie supplier wants to talk to you about a chillies or something." "Okay he delivers today so when he comes just come and get me." "Actually he stopped two minutes before you came." "Okay I will talk with him." I walked to the back.

"Beunos Dias echa de nemos a Ava." "Good day Paul I understand you wish to speak to me." Sí, sé que tienes una lista de lo que quieres, pero tengo muchas más verduras que me gustaría venderte." "Okay Paul what other vegetables did you have in mind and what would the price be?" "¿Eso significa que estás interesado." I feel someone tapping on my shoulder. "Ava can I talk to you." "Un momento por favor." I turn to Paul. "Yes I am interested sent me a price list and we could discuss it later on." "Gracias señoritas Ava no te arrepentirás." We shook hands and he walked to his truck. I turn around and was face to face with Dale.

"Leave me alone we are over. I don't want to talk to you. How did you even know I came here? On second thought, don't answer that then you would be talking to me. Please just leave." He grabbed my shoulder and pressed me against the wall and covered my mouth. "I just want to talk. I am going to remove my hand please don't scream." He removed his hand and pressed it against my other shoulder. "Whatever you want to say save it I'm not listening." "Please I know there is no excuse for what I did but please let me explain." "You were drunk, end of explanation now let me go before I hurt you." "I want to explain why I got drunk and you are not going to hurt me." "You want to bet on that."

"My mother told me that..." Before he could finish I kneed him. His hand dropped and I walked away into my office and I locked the door. I hear knocking on the door. "Ava please just let me." "No, you don't get it you broke my heart. I cried myself to sleep almost every night. The worst part was that you promised to not get drunk and use girls for your own pleasure but you still did it." "I can't say it enough how sorry I am I want to give you something that belongs to you." "I want nothing, give the necklace to someone else and keep the ring till you are ready to give to someone. Just make sure you don't break her heart like you broke mine."

"There is never going to be someone else it is always going to be you. The ring, the necklace and my heart belongs to you." I couldn't help but to start crying. "You can't say that you have no right not after what you did. You know I had a scared heart when we met but now there is just a thing keeping me alive in there. I don't have a heart anymore so leave before I call the police." "Okay I will go but promise me you won't..." "No, I won't do that goodbye Dale." "Goodbye Ava." I hear him walking away. Once the coast was clear I opened the door and see in front of the door lays the necklace box and ring box. With a note. I was not going to read it not yet. I will read it when I am ready.

I picked it up and placed it in my desk drawer. This was going to be hard. I had to face him, my brother and his mother. There was going to be war but Moira is getting what is coming to her she ruined my life. She destroyed my happiness. That is why she hated me because my father chose my mother and me above her and when she heard what my father did to save me she fully hated me. Now the feeling is mutual. I am going to ruin her and anyone in my path.

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