The test

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After the challenge we all went to the nearby waterfall for a swim. I can't remember who brought the beer but I drank one and then one became four. I thought it be funny to jump from the cliff into the pool beneath. When I hit the water I thought I felt something beneath me I thought it was a fish but I was Ava.

I woke up to the most annoying sound ever. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand. To late the call ended whoever it was would have to call again. I suddenly feel the lack of body heat next to me. Where is he? I look at the time on my phone on wonder people are calling me it is almost eleven. I finally made an attempt to get out of bed regretting it. Dale really went all out last night not that I'm complaining. With effort I get out of bed and get dressed, making my way to the kitchen. I found Dale working on his laptop. 

"Morning." "Morning." "Why didn't you wake me?" "You looked so peaceful I didn't want to disturb you. How did you sleep? Are you sore?" "Like a baby and a bit. What are you doing I hope it is not work?" "I'm just checking on the business." "Okay." "Uhm since Antony is being discharged from the hospital my mother is having a family diner." He took a breath. "Would you come with me? I will understand if you don't want to." "I'd love to go with you." "Are you sure after the way she treated you I wouldn't?" "I'm not going for her. I'm going because you asked me." "You are amazing you know that. That is one of the many reasons I love you." His words caught me off guard a bit but the smile on his lips and in his eyes tells me he is telling the truth.

Quarter to seven Dale pulled in to the driveway of a huge house. I promised myself to not get upset or ask her about the affair with my father. That I will not ask Jane questions why she and Josh wanted to take the Cunningham's down or anything of the matter. I was not in the mood for an argument. Dale and I walked hand in hand into the house. We greeted his brother, Jane and a few other people who seemed to be close family friends. Eventually we made our way to his mother. "Good evening Mother." "Good evening Dale, Adylea." "Good evening Mrs. Cunningham." I can tell she is forcing a smile. "Dinner would be ready in ten minutes."

The server brought the food to the table. He placed a plate and a bowl of soup in front of us. His mother went all out. About ten minutes passed when Dale finally broke the tension. He started talking to one of the other men at the table. "Emmanuel what has it been one and a half years and you still look the same maybe it is the youth fountain in Spain that you always barged about." Emmanuel spoke but his thick Spanish accent soaked threw. "Well maybe you should visit it sometime. I think I see a grey hair." He looks at me. "We haven't met, I'm Emmanuel West. Yes I know my surname doesn't match but that is what you get when your mother is from Spain and your father is American." "I'm Ava. It is nice to meet you." 

"Eres una mujer muy hermosa." "Thank you pero no creo que mi novio me gustaria que su amigo esta golpeando." Emmanuel smiled. I did not like the way he smiled. He looks at Dale. "Your girlfriend has many talents and she is loyal. She is the first woman who told me to not tell her she is beautiful and to back off." Oh so it was a test. "She said all that? And you told her what exactly?" "He told me I am a beautiful woman and I told him thank you for the compliment but I would appreciate it if he not call me that if front of you and to back off." In the coroner of my eye I see Jane smiling and Dale's mother with a frown on her face. The main course came and we ate in silence further.

We were waiting on the desert when Jane spoke. "So Ava do you have any brother's or sisters?" does she know. She has to know. Did Josh tell her? "No I only have a cousin named Ethan he is sort of my brother. After my father passed he took the brother role." The desert came just in time. It looked like some sort of cheese cake. It tasted delicious I wonder if Dale's mother would let the servers give me the recipe. I love the lemony, cream, pineapple taste. Shit! Dale started coughing. 

"I'll be right back Dale I am just going to grab some Allergex." I ran to the car and open my purse that I left in there and grabbed two pills. I rushed inside and gave it to him. "What is wrong what did you give him?" That is it. "I gave him two Allegex's because he was having an allergic reaction because you put pineapple in the desert." "What are you talking about he doesn't have an allergy to pineapple's?" I look at Dale the redness in his face has gone down and he is breathing normally again. I take a breath. Dale spoke but his voice sounded horse. "Mother I always had a pineapple allergy since birth." "That is upserd. How could I not know that I am your mother?" "I don't know maybe because you were more in a other man's bed then your own home." Shit! We should go now before thing get out of hand. 

"Well at least am I not looking for a replacement for Katharine? What has it been two years? Sorry I said that wrong you use to have a replacement every night and every night a different one." She turns to me. "I'm guessing he hasn't told you about Katharine yet why else are you still with him. Oh I know you want his money." I grabbed the glass of wine on the table and threw it out on her. Dale grabbed my hand and we started to walk out. His mother was about to say something when she was caught off by Antony. "Stop it now mother. You always ruin family dinner." He got up and left and walked behind us. We were already in the car. 

"Dale let me drive you are in no state to drive." I put my hand on his on the steering wheel. He shook his head. "You are right." We got out and changed seats. I was about to drive when Antony stopped me. "I'm sorry about dinner." I smiled at him. "It is not your fault Antony. Now step out off my way." He stepped out of the way and I drove off fast. The car ride was silent. It was frustrating the hell out of me. I know that he is hurt by what his mother said to him but he has to explain.

It has been a half hour since we got home. He hasn't said a word and kept staring at the coffee cup in front of him. I was about to switch the bedside light of when Dale came in and sat down on the bed and looked at me. He took a breath. "I'm guessing you have a few questions about Katharine and what my mother meant by replacements." "You would be guessing right." "You might not like what you hear. You might hate me for it." "I won't hate you. Please tell me."

"Okay I was in a bad place after Katharine. I went out every night got wasted very drunk and almost every night with an other girl. I didn't care if they got hurt I just wanted to use them for my own pleasure. One night I fucked the wrong girl. I fucked the head of the police's daughter and he threw me in jail. I wanted to die there. I was ready to hand myself in my cell when my father came to visit me and he got me out of jail. He told me that he knew I was in pain over Katharine yet he didn't do anything. I got some help and finished my degree." 

It was a lot to take in. He was in jail, used woman and was addicted to alcohol. "I can see that you don't like what I told you. I will understand if you hate me and don't want anything to do with me." "No, I don't hate you. I am a bit shocked but that was before we started dating. Promise me that you won't do it while we are together." "I promise I will never do that never again." I look up at him. His eyes hold shame. "What about Katharine what happened to her?" He took a deep breath.

"I killed her."

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