Chapter 1

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How it started...

I should probably start at the beginning. About three months earlier I got a makeover. I went from nerd chick to sexy chick basically overnight. I dyed my hair, lost the baggy clothes and invested in a new wardrobe. I wanted to be noticed and boy was I about to be noticed. No one wants to be the nerdy girl who hangs out in the library during high school. The only thing worse would be if you were the class slut and thanks to Cyrus this is what I was about to become. Just hold on there is backround that needs to be established.

At the beginning of the school year I got a part time job with a couple of my girlfriends at the local mall in a new Smoothie bar, Juicy Fresh Smoothies. It was really popular with the local high school kids. It may have had something to do with the uniforms, short shorts and tiny tops for girls and tight jeans and muscle shirts for the guys.

My shifts were straight after school, three days a week and every second Saturday. School was great and I had started to open up more, kids I had known all my life but had never really noticed me were now greeting me in the halls. Guy's who previously hadn't given me a second glance were stopping by my locker during breaks to see if I needed a ride after school or ask me to a one party or another.

My small group of girlfriends were excited because by power of association they were also being included in the extracurricular activities. Life was good, great even.

One Wednesday afternoon I was running late, sprinting through the corridor and out the main entrance of the school, when I smacked right into him just outside the doors. Him being Cyrus, one of the most popular guys at school. He had stopped under the awning so he wouldn't get wet, waiting for the rain to slow down enough to dash to his car.

"Oh my gosh, I am really sorry" I screeched as I smacked into him.

"No worries Lily, no harm done" he held me steady and looked down at me. I was dumb struck, he actually knew my name.

I pretty much looked up into his chocolate brown eyes and melted on the spot. If only I had known then what I know now, I would have run screaming the other way.

Unfortunately for me it was too late to change course, I had taken a slippery slope down into my own personal hell and I had nothing to grab on the way down. Cyrus was an evil vile villain, the main character from a teenage girl's worst nightmare.

He had given me a lift to the mall that day. The whole way there he had cracked jokes made me laugh he was funny and sweet, said and did all the right things. I was like a fish caught on the end of his hook and yes you guessed it I fell hook, line and sinker for his charm and sex appeal. Did I mention he was the captain of the football team?

I never even imagined the possibility of hanging out with the captain of the football team but there he was chatting, joking and laughing with me. Making me feel like the luckiest girl on the planet and asking me, yes me, little old Lily out on a date. Of course I said yes only a crazy girl would have declined. I wish I had been crazy that day.

Broken Pieces of Glass - Lily's Story (book 1) [Wattys2017]Where stories live. Discover now