Chapter 6 - What the hell is the grand pot?

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The next morning, they rolled out of bed and stretched. They had to trade grins since they were looking forward to testing the modifications to the flyer. This was going to be an interesting race and they were looking forward to it. They knew the other team was going to be in it as well. Maybe they could place higher them. If they could beat even one team they would be tickled pink. The other teams might just start to admit they were worth talking to. It wasn't so much they wanted to be friends but for them to admit they were racers and worth some respect.

Roller walked over to them, "Morning and let me give you a quick rundown on the teams. Last night both of you were tired and crashed early." He told them about the teams. Since they had done well the three races they had been in they had been moved up as had the other team. This was a more experienced set of racers they were going to be facing. The two of them were going to have to work harder if they were going to even place. He made sure to let them know this.

Risty and Sten paid attention to what Roller was saying. They traded the occasional looks at what they were told about some of the teams. Sten had pulled his helmet on and was making notes on the teams to watch out for the most. From the sounds of it there were several teams who would do anything to place. They just hadn't done quite good enough and the last races they had been in it had ended up ugly. Since there were few rules it was pretty much anything goes. About the biggest rule was you couldn't use any sort of weapons on the track to eliminate an opponent. They didn't have guns but there had been incidents with iron bars, bats, and even things like pepper tossed at others. All were illegal and when caught the teams were severely punished.

Once the briefing was done both stood, "We are going to have to work hard on this race. Best idea is to get out in front and stay there as best possible. If we are near the front and stay there, the less of a chance to have someone try something stupid." Sten told Risty.

As they were talking the other team came over, "Truce for the race. There are some scumbag teams and if we fight we will probably lose. Not saying don't try your hardest but keep an eye out on each other. If one of the skupper suckers starts anything the other team helps if possible. Next race we will keep you from winning again." Stary, the pilot from the other team offered.

Risty gave her a solid look and evaluated what she had to say, "Deal, help each other and we can place. Might not be first but second and third is good enough for now. See how many we can avoid and how many we have to take down hard." She didn't like the idea of cheating and knowing that some might bothered her.

Stary held her hand out and they shook, "First and second would be better." With a wink, she grinned, "Mind you we would be in first but both spots would be good." She turned and slouched away once they had shaken hands.

They traded looks again before rolling their eyes, "See you later Roller." Risty activated the flyer and both climbed on and took off. There were several races going on and several of the teams were entered. Races too place every other day Monday through Friday. Weekends there weren't any races. They had decided it gave the racers a chance to recover and do upgrades or whatever. For them that was Tuesday and they were sure they were going to need another upgrade soon.

When they reached the races that woman came over, "Be fucking careful skags, cost enough to get you into the race. Better place or else. Drag my odder team down and you might lookin to find a new place and team." She spit on the ground and stalked off.

"Well that was a nice encouraging pre-race speech. I feel so motivated to win now." Sten's reply was heavily sarcastic and it showed. "Let's get this shit on the road and go from there. We will place and to hell with any who try anything." He settled the helmet on more securely before they reached the starting line.

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