Chapter 8 - Wild Inclination

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Chapter 8 - Wild Inclination

After Emma's shocking confession, I sat there dumbstruck. Fine, it was obvious that she liked him but being in love with him was a totally different matter. Well, technically she didn't say 'love' but she said 'fell for'. Similar meanings right? All my words seemed to have disappeared as I couldn't think of anything to say, and my mouth was hanging wide open. What could I say? And I didn't want to sound harsh in anyway, but how did she even know what being in love felt like? She's never been in a relationship before.

Well neither have you...

I rolled my eyes mentally at my conscience. Why would I need to fall in love now? It would just be a distraction for me. Yes, just a distraction. Yet in the back of my mind, questions popped up overcoming my thoughts.

How does it feel to fall in love?

How do I know if I'm falling in love?

And the most common question; How do I avoid the heartache?

I shake my head getting rid of these thoughts. This isn't about me. It's about Emma. Emma who was staring at me with her eyes full of desperation at worry. I let out a deep sigh before moving closer to her and moved my sitting position so that I was now currently facing her.

"How long did you like him?" I asked Emma who was now fiddling with the hem of her pyjama top.

"Don't laugh at me, alright?" She let out a nervous chuckle before looking straight into my eyes. I shook my head at this. Damn, is it that bad?

"Of course I won't! Why?" I exclaimed.

"I liked him for 6 years." She looked down in embarrassment while tangling her fingers together. 

"Jesus Emma! Are you serious? You should have told me ages ago!"

"I'm sorry! I thought it was just a crush."

"Wait... so what, you're in love with him?" I asked staring intently at Emma who was focused on the coffee table in front of us. 

"Yes? No? Ugh, god I don't know!"

"Emma give me a straight answer. Are you in love with Nathan?"

"Fine! Yes I am in love with Nathan!" Emma yelled out suddenly and we sat in a thick blanket of silence. Well I guess I was right then.

"Emma, are you actually in love with him or are you in love with the feeling?"

I could see that Emma was getting agitated with my questions as she was clenching her jaw uncontrollably.

"What kind of question is that? What are you trying to say?"

I stared at my hands in my lap. "I'm just saying that maybe we're too inexperienced to know what love is. I mean, neither of us has been in a relationship so maybe you feel excited to be experiencing the feeling of love rather than being in love."

Emma tilted her head to the side and sighed softly before replying "You're more experienced than me... What should I do?"

Emma turned her head quickly and smiled sheepishly. Funny, she almost looked frightened.
More experienced? What did she mean by that? I never dated anyone ever. I decided it wasn't important at the moment and curled some stands of my loose hair with my fingers.

"Well, I think you need to spend more time with him. Show him and talk to him about your feelings open up to him more-" I stopped abruptly deep in thought. The words seemed to be spilling out of my mouth uncontrollably.

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