Chapter 1- Introduction to My Problem

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Hey, this is a reminder that I am NOT (I repeat, NOT) suicidal or anything like that, I just had this story idea.  On that note, I hope you enjoy it.  Please let me know if you do, or even if you don't.  OH!  And the song in the sidebar really goes with this chapter.


I hold it, shaking, and ready to die, when he barges in through the door.  Literally, through it.  The lock snaps in half as he tears his way into the bathroom and toward me.

“Don’t do it!” he screams, over and over again.  It’s hurting my ears, forcing me to wince, forcing the blade down into my wrist.  “What the hell are you doing!?!?!” I wince again, but this time because the blade is yanked out of my flesh.  The pain takes over then, and I collapse into his arms.

“What the hell are you doing Alaska, why are you doing this?” he’s crying now, but I’m too stunned to do so myself.  We slide down the bathroom’s tiled walls, me in his arms and breathing hard.  “I love you Alaska, I love you so much…”  He rambles on and on, talking whenever he wasn’t choking on his sobs.  “Oh God, why do you do this to yourself… I love you so much… Don’t ever leave me, I swear to God, don’t you dare, I love you…”

With all my remaining strength, I open my mouth and utter four words: “I love you too.”  Then I dig my nails into his arms as the world goes black.


“Alaska?  Sweetie?” I open my eyes in response to the familiar voice.  Only to squeeze them shut again against the too-bright light.  “Oh, is it too bright?  I’m sorry.”  I hear him rushing to switch the lights off, and then feel the bed dip as he gets in and lies next to me.

I turn over as best I can with my un-bandaged wrist so that I’m facing him.  My face is buried in his chest, letting me breathe in his scent, the smell of home and safety.  Then, all at once, the events that occurred right before I blacked out hit me and I’m crying.  Soon, shaking accompanies it, and then some almost screams.

He wraps his strong arms around me, helping me as much as he can at this point.  I feel his warm lips kiss my forehead before he moves them to my ear and whispers that everything is going to be ok.

“Shhh, I’m here, it’s going to be ok Alaska, shhh, we’ll get through this together, I promise.”

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