Chapter 5: Truth

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His lips seemed to mold to hers perfectly, She hadn't expected him to kiss her, and she fully expected to shove him off, but it seemed like none of her wanted that. His tongue began to trace her lips and it sent delicious shivers down her spine, making her moan in pure pleasure. She had never felt the way she felt when she kissed him, so alive and never feeling like she could get close enough to him, she knew she wanted more but before anything could happen further he broke away.


"Call me Draco, Always Draco."

She seemed to regain control of her actions when he spoke, breaking the spell she seemed to be under when his lips were on hers.

What the bloody hell is wrong with you? It's like you want to be hurt again!

She immediately backed away from him, feeling the hot sensation of anger spread through her. What exactly was he playing at? She felt like she had been thrown in a million different directions. He wanted her, he didn't want her? It was enough to give someone bloody whiplash.

"What the hell was that about! What do you want from me Draco." She made sure to accentuate his name.

"I swear to Godric if you do not tell me everything right now I am leaving and I dare you to try and stop me!"
She felt waves of anger wash over her, whatever he had to tell her better be damn good, or she didn't know if she could help but hex him into oblivion. She noticed he stayed perfectly calm, like he was waiting for her to get it all out. It seemed to fuel more of her anger, how in the bloody hell was he always so blasted calm?

"How about you sit down." He gestured his long arm to the couch they were just occupying.
"No, I think I will stand thank you." He shook his head and had a slight smirk toying at the corners of his lips.
"Always so stubborn aren't we?" She crossed her arms as to make her point that she would not be convinced to sit.
"Well, on with it then." He seemed to let out a heavy somewhat nervous sigh.

That couldn't be good.

"You have to know, when we started our relationship some months ago, there was nothing I wanted more than to be with you."

She wasn't sure she should believe him, but having him utter those words made her whole body warm. She spent months trying to deny her feelings for him. Then when she finally figured the pesky feelings weren't going away she gave into them, she realized just how much she loved being around him. She was too much of a chicken to ever admit said feelings out loud, but then, one day, seeming out of the blue he asked her out, and it felt so right. Just to have him end before they even had a chance to begin. She was more upset to the fact that she grew to care about him a great deal in such a short amount of time.

Seven and a half months ago

"Have dinner with me tonight." It was more of a statement than a question. At first she laughed, thinking he was just trying to play some weird prank on her, but when she noticed his smoldering look she closed her mouth and quickly shut up.

"You're serious? You know we are kind of in the middle of mission right now!"

Please be serious! The thought shot to the forefront of her mind. He had the sexiest grin on his face as he stood in front of her.

"Please, no one is here, the lead is a bust Granger. So dinner, tonight?" She knew he was most likely right, the place was completely empty, but it didn't stop her heart from constricting at the thought of going to dinner with him, but she just didn't know why he wanted to take her out. Was it just as partners? Friends? More?

"Hermione, I can literally see the wheels turning in your head, stop overthinking it." He said as he stepped towards her, closing the little space that was between them. Her mind seemed to go fuzzy at their shared space.

"You called me Hermione."


For a smart witch she sure could act so bloody stupid.

"Yes, and I loved saying it." He spoke softly as he placed his hand on her face, cupping her cheek. Before she knew what she was doing her lips were on his. She could tell that it had caught him off guard but it didn't take him long to respond. The sensation of his lips on hers made every single muscle clench in her stomach and oh god it was divine.

His lips were softer than she expected but held no hesitation as he kissed her. He laced his hand into her hair pulling her closer, deepening the kiss. Something about the gesture made her come alive. She found herself gripping onto him with a fierceness, moving her hands up the length of his arms, feeling his defined muscles under his robes, he moaned in her mouth, lightly biting her bottom lip, pressing himself against her more. She felt the hardness of his groin which caused her to let out a moan of her own, as she rolled her hips into his stiff member.

She worked her hands up to his hair, it was just as soft as she imagined it. His hands glided down her body where they gripped onto her waist, almost pulling at the fabric that was there, like it was in the way.

She didn't know if it were possible but she wanted to be closer to him. He suddenly broke off their passionate kiss and looked her in the eyes, silver to brown.

"I'll take that as a yes then."

Present time

When he continued speaking it broke her out of the memory of their first kiss, which she was thankful for considering the way her thoughts were going.

"I thanked every lucky star I had that you gave someone like me a chance and it made me selfish. I thought if we were careful then it wouldn't have ended the way it did, but like I said I was selfish and foolish." His words were ringing in her ears, did he actually not regret being with her?

"There is an organization that was formed shortly after the war, it's called the League of Sanctus Sanguinem, which translates as I am sure you've figured out to 'Pure blood.' Well the leader, Sidero Greengrass, started to pressure me, he wanted me to join their mission."

Her curiosity sparked immensely.

"I refused every time he asked and focused on becoming an Auror, and as you know it was what drew us closer." It was true, if they would of never been thrown together as partners she knew she wouldn't of fallen for him.

"The night we went to muggle London and I pulled you aside in the alley and snogged you senseless, his daughter, Astoria, saw us."

She suddenly felt her stomach drop, she was a bright witch, she vaguely knew how this story was going to end, and if it was the way she had thought, she felt a pang of hurt in her chest.


"She owled me the next day to meet her and told me what she saw, I promised to join them as long as they left you alone, but it meant that I had to break things off with you."

She noticed the hurt that radiated from his voice, no matter what this information meant, all she wanted to do at the moment was wrap him in her arms and take the hurt away. Except her rational thinking overpowered it though.

"You need to tell the Minister about this Draco."

"He knows."

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