Total Drama: The Other Half of Zoey

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Chapter One: Too Many Thoughts

Placing trust in one another was like gambling, you could bet all your money but you wouldn’t know if you would receive all or nothing. Total Drama Island was an extremely juxtaposed place. An island so cruel and contemptuous could also bring you love and new friendships. Total Drama was a place to create and build friendships with trust and respect, but I wasn’t sure if everyone else would feel the same. A claw of nervous havoc had grabbed the inside of my stomach, making me feel sick, twisting it for its own pleasure. I just wanted that nervous pain to go away. Shake it off Zoey… this is your time to make a good reputation around some new people. I hadn’t had many friends growing up, and there hasn’t been anybody that I have met that I can really connect with. I pulled a face worrying face which I could see in my mirror created clear, distinct and ugly wrinkles above my furrowed brow. My suitcase was stuffed to the brim which was surprising because I hadn’t packed much. I put my suitcase on a nearby sofa and picked up the cold television remote and sat down. I turned on the television to find Total Drama Island playing a re-run. I turned the television on just as Tyler and Lindsay were kissing on the bathroom sink top with their hands all over each other, typical. I wondered to myself if I would meet anyone at Wawanakwa… I doubted it. I let the episode play to itself as I got back up and wandered around the couch in circles, a clear sign of nervousness. All I wanted to do was make a good first impression, but I wasn’t ready to start acting like a ‘cool’ or ‘totally rad’ person, the others may call my bluff and that would have been more embarrassing. Could I really have a shot at this game? If I played my cards right and rolled the dice when strategically correct I may have a chance, but first I need to build alliances. I’m thinking too much. I picked up my suitcase and dragged it across the floor to the wooden door of my bedroom. It was time to face my fears.

When I was dropped off at the loading dock which led to Wawanakwa, I saw some sort of giant tin multipurpose centre. I led myself in through the glass doors at the front and found myself in dark crowded place. It was filled with dust, boxes and what I could only figure was staging equipment. ‘Hey you!’ yelled someone from behind. I turned aro-

‘don’t turn around stay perfectly still!’ I rotated slightly back around trying to stay ‘perfectly’ still whatever that meant.

‘You are at the right place don’t worry-‘, yeah that was it, I am worried about being in the wrong place, not about being approached by what sounded like a criminal in a dark warehouse. Naaah, it is ‘perfectly’ fine.

‘If you would just walk to your north then turn right there should be a small waiting cue, we are going to be taking each contestant individually to the island.’ Well that sounded like a death sentence to me. Individually? With THIS guy? I responded hesitantly.

‘hmm, okay…’ I took a step forward when I was once again interrupted.

‘Try not to look around, we don’t want the contestants to see one another until they all get to the island, it is so we can build drama and suspense,’ said the man from behind sternly. I did exactly as he said and found what he meant… I think. It was just a hop, skip and a trip over on my face which made a loud disturbing noise which is what lead me to what I was looking for. It was a small line, red carpet under my feet (I think, it could have been brown), guided ropes and people. I helped myself back up to my feet considering no one was allowed to interact with each other.

‘Are you okay sonny jim?’ it was an old voice… which scared me. It came from the person in front, but given they couldn’t turn around it was hard to hear.

‘Urm, yes thank you, I didn’t mean to disturb anyone,’ even though I whispered there was a slight echo.

‘I can’t see a thing where are the lights at?’ croaked the old voice again. Okay… this guy was scary. I thought the contestants were usually 16? Unless they mixed it up this year for more drama which would be disappointing. I couldn’t help but reach out my hand to the person in front. It was dark so hopefully no one would see. The person in front flinched.

‘…why…?’ he said darkly. This was a new voice. What on earth is going on here? I felt slightly scared now and I could feel that claw of nerves playing with my stomach once again. I decided not to respond, I thought it may have helped to ignore the person.

‘Are you ignoring me?!’ he yelled malevolently. Fortunately someone ahead told him to pipe down.

‘Dude! Would. You. Please. Shut up!’ a thug sounding guy yelled with slight pauses between each word. This place officially creped my out. I was taking a gamble here for sure; I thought I had played my cards right coming to this place. I thought it was a new opportunity not a death trap, like I feel that I might get gang bashed. The line was moving forward now, and a far door opened which let the slightest bit of light in, not enough to know who the character in front of me was. Someone had left the building and I could hear a motor boat starting to rev its engine outside obsessively. I rolled the dice and took my move. I stepped forward and continued moving through the line until I was at the front of the line. There was only by the sounds of it, two people behind me.

‘This is it Total Drama, my new opportunity.’ I mumbled sarcastically.

‘Do you kids understand anything? I said be quiet or you can go back home!’ he yelled mercilessly. I took a point in noticing that he has said kids. If that was a kid in front of me then he has some serious vocal problems… what kind of kid said ‘sonny jim,’ anyway? Stop getting distracted Zo. The doors opened before me and I was ready to --- oh goodness my eyes. I was being blinded immensely by the scorning sun. I closed and rubbed my eyes ferociously. How could they keep us in a dark room and then reveal us to the outside sun? I guess this is how vampires would feel. This place already felt cruel. I eventually got onto the boat and was taken across a plane of water. I looked around at all the contestants; there were so many fierce looking opponents. My head nearly spun 360* just like an owl’s. I thought I had seen Nicki Minaj at one point, but at second glance, it was just a look alike contestant. The only other girl that looked similar to myself was blonde, nimble and pale. The other girls here looked rough and scary. I felt someone suddenly lean against my left side. They were warm and only the slightest bit sweaty. I don’t blame them though, that warehouse was horribly hot… Should I turn around?

To Be Continued… 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2014 ⏰

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