styles harry

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" how many hair styles can harry styles style if harry styles could style hair styles."

*cue niall*

"turdy seven?"

omg guys it's been like 5eva since i last updated.omg like i hope y'all didnt like miss me too much like hhehehehe.

omg do you wanna hear a story about what happened to me today?!?!?! it's just. omg i almost died! ok i'll tell the story now

* the story of how rose almost died *

"omg! i am so so so beautiful! like my blonde hair is so natural and my flat stomach, tanned legs, big boobs and butt are so natural and real and everyone just loves me! i'm so popular bc everyone think i'm perfect"

hmm i think i'll take a walk through the park today! hmm what should i wear???!!oh! i know! i'll wear my new victoria secrets red lace bra! ya know just in case someone wants to bang me because im so amazing! especially in bed! my dick is the biggest thing ever!

anyways let leave to the park!

ok like now im at the park ! wow it's so beautiful! but of course not as beautiful as me! hehehe! anyways i'm walking down the sidewalk and i see a lot of children looking at me! awe! they're probably thinking that they wish that they were 25 so they could have sex with me ! lol awe. i walk up to a little boy is crying. awe, probably sad bc he'll never have me in him? oh well. i pick the boy up and tell him to shut the duck and act like a man. suddenly he turned into a swamp booger and ran away. i saw his mom look at me like "OMG ur so pretty!" and then she ran away after her swamp booger son or whatever. ugh so boring. anyways

i start walking down the sidewalk again which is filled with some ugly people. and then suddenly i feel it. something rising up from my stomach and into my nose eww gross! and then i suddenly sneeze!

"HEE HAW!" i sneezed.

the ugly people look around and then resume to what they were doing! OMG I COULD HAVE DIED! and then i scream loudly!


then a man who's like 800 years old or something idk maybe 801 years old, walks up to me and says "what are you so mad about ?"

and i stare at him in awe. what mad? why am i mad????

i'll tell you why

"bc i almost died!" i scream loudly

the old raisen person boy man thing speaks up again " how did you almost die ?"

i shake my head and rub my vagina. ugh these ppl are so stupid. and ugly.

"i just sneezed and you didn't say bless you!" i scream loudly

everyone turns around and in a chorus or something but they all said it at the same time they said " that was a sneeze???"

and i was just like "yes it was a sneeze! what do you think it was? a donkey call or something??"


the end. omg do you see how i almost died!!!!'!!? i sneezed and they didnt even say bless you OMG wow

anyways . i love one direction and i just. omg did y'all hear about harry and Kendall dating !r????? people are like

"what if Harry and Kendall get married and have sex and have babies????"

and i'm just like

"what if i stab you in the stomach forty seven and a half times?"

ok no no no there is no tooth fair. there is no uni cornz and there is nO HENDALL OK.

anyways stay fab my babes and i'll be back soon!

'rose out

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