[1Changed Fate

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[Hello guys this is Actually pokemontrainer1 my old account got busted and yeah I created a new one sorry,Well this story kinda the Improve version of my previous story Arceus Son and yeah that's right I'm gonna change it up a bit but don't worry it still like the one old so there's nothing to worry losing some great chapters in the Arceus son,well that's all bye guys)

In the Kanto Region theirs a small village living in the mountains that suddenly got attacked by an mysterious evil organization capturing every villagers not letting a single one escape except for two.a woman with her new born child managed to escape from them and hide to by cave.

Then the Boss of the organization came to see the burning village and commanded his men to search for a newborn child.

Grunt 1:Sir we didn't find the child or the mother,I think they escape!!

Giovanni:Of course they escape you morons!,Find her and bring the child to me.

The grunts saluted and continue their search while the mother and her child is resting peacefully inside the cave.

Delia:Don't worry My child, I won't let them take you from me!!

Then her child started to cry very loud telling her mother that he was hungry.

Delia:I'm sorry!,I didn't manage to take your food from our house before we escape!!

The mother came of a idea to feed her child.she came out of the cave and started to find berries.

Delia:Maybe these Oran berries they look fresh I hope my son will like it.

As she started yo pick the berried she didn't realize that a grunt is closing behind her.

Delia: Alright perfect- who's there? ahhhhh let go of me!!!

Grunt 1:To all units i find the woman but she didn't have the child,requesting assistant to find it.

Delia: Let go of me.what do you want from my child?

Grunt2:You know when the time comes,Let's go you coming with me to the boss.

Delia:Let go,please let me go

The grunt take the child mother back to the village for questioning. While her child is still inside the cave alone crying.

Arceus POV

Well here I am visiting the Kanto Region.I'm flying through the sky when I saw smokes coming from a small village so out of curiosity I flew down to investigate.

When I reached the burning village I saw humans wearing uniforms and beating up some of the villagers.

Arceus:(humans always into violence they never change,that is why I hated them).

Then I saw man holding a woman and came out of the forest.the woman is keep telling them that she left her child in a cave alone so she needed get back to him immediately.

Giovanni:What you do think we fall for that?but I'm letting one of my men to check out that cave of yours if you telling me that the child is there or not.

Delia: please do whatever you want to me but don't hurt my child please!!

Giovanni:We see,men load all of them into the trucks

Grunt3:Yes sir!!,you heard the boss let's get going come on!!

The grunts forcefully load the captured villagers into the trucks as well the mother and drive them away into their base.

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