[5]Summer Camp!!

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[Yo to all Amourshippers fans this is all you for you,this chapter is when Serena is going show her first appearance in my story so better read it guys,peace out].

Months past

Ash and Pikachu had survived Arceus hell of a training.They did everything to battling,to question and answer,to Endurance training.

Ash is already grown quite a lot even Pikachu that is because the two of them share the intense training.

Ash:Hey Pikachu

Pikachu:Yeah Ash?

Ash:You know I kinda feel different since I took mom training months ago!!

Pikachu:That happened when you train hard for months,your going to change a lot!!

Ash:I grew a lot,my height is way higher than the last time and look at my muscle,so strong,I even have hard abs even though I'm just a 7.

Pikachu:Yeah I can see that!

Ash:Pikachu why are you so sarcastic today?

Pikachu:Huh?,Nothing just tired from all that training!!

Ash:Stop complaining,we are lucky that mom gave us the rest of the day off because she had something important to do in the human world!!

Pikachu:Okay,okay I got it,jeez

Ash and Pikachu is just chilling out today in the backyard tree where they most hang out whenever they have day off from training.

Ash:Ahhhh so peaceful!!

Then Vulpix came towards them carrying a basket of berries.

Vulpix:Hey you two!,would you like some fresh berries,I pick them myself (blush)

Ash:Alright,our day off is complete!!

Pikachu:you can said that again

Ash and Pikachu grab some berries and immediately chowing it down.

Ash:(bite)Taste great(bite)

Pikachu:(bite)Oran is my favorite!

Vulpix:You two can eat all you want, I still have some in the kitchen!!

Ash:Your the best Vulpix!!

Vulpix:(blush)thanks Ash

Pikachu:Ohhh Hey Ash,what's up with you and Vulpix?,is there something going on?

Ash:Huh?,What? Vulpix and I are just the best of friends,why you ask?

Pikachu:Oh nothing really but I think someone want more than just a friend!!

Pikachu then turned his attention to the love struck Vulpix who been staring at Ash the entire time.

Ash:Pikachu what's with that creepy look you making

Pikachu:Ohhh nothing!(bite)

2hours later

Pikachu is asleep while Ash is reading a book on Mega evolution.This Book is damn right old,Arceus had been gathering old relics from every region for years to let Ash learn some of it and use it for his own.

Ash:This is interesting,Mega Evolution is all about bond with your Pokémon.

Then Arceus teleported back from the living room seeing Ash and Pikachu in the couch.

Arceus:Hey sweety I'm back!!,How's your day off?

Ash:Its good,your not here so its fun.

Arceus:(pout)Do you really hate me that much sweety

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