[23]Promised Date

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After the concert,many fans had gathered right in front of the Cerulean gym wanting to get in and meet their idol.

Ash:Damn,How many people like our concert that much?

Leaf:Don't know.must be thousands and our concert is broadcasting all over the world so again must millions

Misty:Well we did Kill them with our performance and Ash you're so awesome out their,are you sure your not really a pop star?

Ash:Misty like I said,I never been a pop star!! This is my first time to sing in front of that many people!!

Leaf:Well like it or not,We're famous now!!so how can we get out of here?

Misty:Don't know,we just have to wait until they all gone home

Ash:Man this is sucks,we can't continue journey if our situation is like this

Ash just take off and head to the kitchen to have some snacks with Pikachu in his shoulder.

Leaf:Ash really didn't realiz that he is famous now but from his reaction earlier he really didn't mind it

Misty:Ash has only one goal and that is to become a pokemon master

Leaf:Yeah but that's why I love him

Misty:Me too,I hope someday he notice our love for him

Then Leaf Pokedex started ringing,she look it up and notice Serena is the one calling her.📲

Leaf:Hello Serena why did you suddenly called me?

[Serena]:You should know why,You and Ash is on TV,The two of you sing together on stage,I'm so jealous!!

Leaf:Sorry best I kinda forgot yo tell you about that,I'm so focus on rehearsal for the concert that I forgot to tell you

[Serena]:Its okay,I'm not that mad,tell you the truth,you Misty and Ash are famous now,everyone here is talking about your concert and they really love it

Leaf:Its the same,we can't get out of the gym because many of our fans is waiting for us and Ash well he's taking his attention on eating in the kitchen with Pikachu

[Serena]:Same old Ash,Well I wish you three the best of luck and tell Ash that I preferred him to be a pop star than a pokemon master!!

Leaf:Sure do,Bye Serena!!

Leaf turned off her pokedex and just then Ash and Pikachu came out from the kitchen carrying tray of food.

Ash:What's up Leaf,Who called you earlier?

Leaf:Ohh just Serena,she saw our concert and tell me that she preferred you Ash as a pop star than a pokemon master!!

Ash:WHAT!!She said that!!For Real!!

Leaf:Yup,isn't that right Misty?

Misty:I hear it,clear as day Leaf,Sorry Ash

After hearing that Ash became sad and slowly eat his food with Pikachu staring at him worried for his best pal

Misty:Poor Ash but don't worry I know she doesn't meant it

Leaf:I think not hehehehe I love teasing Ash

Ash:Knock it off guys

Then Misty remembered something important that happened a week ago.

Misty:Ash I would like to ask you on a date!!

Ash:Date? Sure Misty.......(slow realization)Wait DATE!!!!

Misty:Yeah I remember,I beat one of your pokemon in our match a week ago,so it means I can force you to go on a date with me!!

Ash:Wait Misty,Both of our Pokémon lost conscious at the same time,so its a draw!!

Misty:Nope our deal is if one of your pokemon loses the trainer who defeated it had a right to force you on a date!!

Ash:No way!!!!

Leaf:Ahh I remember now,you did you have a deal with them like that!!

Ash:Leaf you're not helping, anyway even I agree to go on a date with you Misty,we can't because of our crazy fans out their(pointing outside)

Misty:We can use your Pidgeot to fly us out of here,its a perfect plan!!

Leaf:I also want to visit the pokemon center

Ash:(sigh)Fine let's head to the roof

So Ash releases Pidgeot and fly fly them towards the pokemon center.Ash and Misty left Leaf in the pokemon center and head to the arcade where they first meet each other.

Misty:Ash remember this place!!

Ash:Of course,why would I,this place is where we first meet

Misty:Let's play some game Ash C'mon!!

Ash:Lead the way Misty!!

Misty:I wanna play the new games here!!

For hours the two of played almost all the game in the arcade
But when Ash stomach growled Misty just smiled and grab Ash hand to lead him out of the arcade and into a nearby restaurant.

Waitress:Can I have your orders, Mam,Sir?

Misty:Um can we have some Burgers,Fries and two slice of Oran pie and oh!! two Razz Berry soda!!

Waitress:Okay your orders will be here shortly,excuse me!!

The waitress left them with their orders and head into the kitchen.As they waiting for their meals,Misty is secretly staring at Ash who just checking his pokedex.

Misty:Ash can I ask you something?

Ash:Huh? Ahh sure!!

Misty:Okay! Can I continue going on a journey with you two?

Ash:What are you talking about!! Of course your can,you can come with us anytime Misty!!

Misty:Really!! I'm so happy!!

Ash:Misty you know,you become much more beautiful now!!

Misty:(blushing)Ahhh What!! Ash stop it,don't make me blush!!

Ash:Huh? Why? Its true,you're so beautiful!!

Misty:(blushing)Ash please stop teasing me!!

Ash:Hehehe okay okay I stop but everything I said to you is true remember that Misty(Ash famous smile)

Misty:💘😳(Ash please stop saying anymore compliment about me,you making me crazy)

Misty:Ash I Love Yo---

As Misty about to say something the waitress handed our orders into the table cutting Misty.

Waitress:Here's your orders Mam Sir!!

Ash:Oh thanks,Misty let's dig in!!

Misty:Okay(Arghhh just about I'm going to say my feelings for him,you stupid waitress wrong timing!!)😡

Well their lunch went well,they head back to the pokemon center where they last seen Leaf.

Leaf:Guys over here!!

Misty:So Leaf what did you do here?

Leaf:Just chatting with some trainers inside,they all newbies but they all have potentials,So anyway Misty did you enjoy your alone time again with Ash hmmm?

Misty:(blush)Ummm Maybe!!

Leaf:I think you enjoyed it,great job Misty!!

Misty:Leaf stop it!!

Ash:Hey guys let's get going before our fans find us here!!

Misty/Leaf:Coming Ash!!

Ash:Alright to Lavander Town!!

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