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Lucy pov

Grandpa said daddy and uncle stef were shot, I silently cried as I ran through the woods, my dress getting dirty as I run, I'm only 4 years old and I'm alone, I run out of the woods and onto streets, I start walking confused to where I am, I wonder around until accidentally bumping into a women.

I fall on my butt "sorry" I say standing up, the women knelt down, she has beautiful blonde hair and sparkly eyes "where's your family" she asks "dead" I said sadly she frowned looking up at a man behind her "Nik we can't just leave her" she says he kneels down, he has blonde hair and blue eyes "what's your name?" He asks "Lucy" I say "how old are you?" the women asks "4".

They look at each other and the man named Nik nods "would you like to stay with us" the women asks "yes please" I say shyly they stand up and take my hands in one of there's, they start walking and the women says her name Is Rebekah and the mans name is Niklaus or Nik, her brother.

We reach a house and Rebekah takes me shopping, I get new dresses and we head back smiling "Rebekah my feet hurt" I whine she laughs and picks me up placing me on her hip as we walk inside, I jump down and start running around "Lucy stop" Rebekah says I do and skip up to her "sorry" I smile she grins and takes my hand.

Rebekah helps me shower and change and carries me into a living room to see Nik painting, I jump down and crawl onto the couch because I'm small for my age, I sit and watch him paint "Lucy who did you live with" Rebekah asks "my daddy and uncle but one night they never came home and my grandpa said they were shot and then he was found dead" I said with teary eyes.

Rebekah picked me up and onto her lap "what about your mother" she asks "daddy said shes with the angels" I said they looked at me sadly "you can stay with us, love" Nik says I smile........

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