#7 Fever

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Third P.O.V
Naruto is down with a fever and needs someone to look after him. Unfortunately, Kakashi-sensei is currently off for a mission and so is Sakura who is assigned on a different team. Sakura asked Sasuke, who's currently free to look after Naruto.

Sasuke's P.O.V
I was standing infront of Naruto's front door as I sighed. I thought that idiots can't catch a cold, oh right it's a fever, well guess they're the same.
I pressed the bell but I got no response, I knocked on the door several times and still got no response. "Naruto, are you ho-" I suddenly realized the door isn't locked. I opened it and entered "Naruto?" The room is dark and messy, I can't help but sighed at the sight of trash and clothes all over the place. "Naruto?" I peeked from the wall corner of the entrance and there I saw Naruto sleeping soundly on his bed. "Naruto you okay?" I shook him a bit to wake him up as he whined and pulled the blanket. I touched his forehead and I can really tell his temperature is high. I quickly went and grabbed a bowl and a towel to compress him. I soaked the towel with cold water as I then placed it on Naruto's forehead. I looked around for a medicine but seems like he got none. "Naruto I'll go and buy the medicine, just stay put, okay?" And with that I went to the nearest store and bought the medicine.
I fed the medicine to Naruto and let him rest, he's so shakky and weak.
I changed his clothes and cleaned him up as well. I sighed as I looked at the messy room. I collected all the trash and throw it into the trash bin outside, I folded all the clothes that are lying around and put them all in one pile. I sweeped the floor and the interior of the room. Once I am done, the room was spotless and tidy. "Phew" I wiped away the sweat on my forehead as I then decided to cook Naruto something. He has been eating ramen and ramen cup everyday, he needs a balanced nutrition!
I looked at the fridge and saw nothing but a box of milk. I closed it and checked on Naruto, his fever is going down but he's still not in his normal condition. Seeing Naruto fast asleep, I decided to went out shopping.
I returned back with ingridients to cook a porridge. I placed my stuff on the counter as I saw Naruto waking up. "Sorry did I woke you up?" I sit beside him.
"No, did you clean the room? Thank you, Sasuke" Naruto smiled weakly, his smile is too blinding for me as I blushed. "No it's okay, just rest I am about to cook you up something" I kissed his forehead and I saw him blushing, he then covered his face with his blanket as I smiled and went to make the porridge. I realized Naruto peeking me from his blanket every so often, I found that amusing.
"Here Naruto" I said as I placed the bowl of porridge beside his bed.
"Thank you, Sasuke" He then gulped down the porridge, seeing him eating my cooking makes me really happy.
"It's good! You're good at cooking?" Naruto continue on gulping down the porridge and soon he was finished.
"I am glad you liked it" I smiled at his praise. I took the bowl and spoon and started washing the dishes.
"Well then, let me see" I placed the termometer on Naruto's mouth. He looked better after he ate his medicine and the porridge.
"Hmm, seems like your fever is down, Naruto" I looked at the termometer.
"Really? Yosha!" He celebrated his recovery.
"But you still need to rest, just incase it goes up again" I warned him.
"Yes, yes" he pouted as he then crawled back to his bed.
"Well then, I'll be going now, I'll come back tommorrow to check on you" I was about to take my leave when I felt a slight tugging on my shirt. I looked back and saw Naruto shyly holding on to me shirt.
"D-don't leave yet" he looked so cute, I can't help but blushes when I saw him.
"You want me to stay with you?" He nodded as I smiled warmly.
"Okay then" I sat beside him on the bed as I tucked his blanket.
"Yeah?" Naruto patted the side of his bed with his beautiful blue eyes looking into mine.
"Fine" I smiled as I get into the bed beside him, it's a bit cramped since the bed is meant for one person but I don't care. I embraced Naruto and pulled him into my chest. He blushes as he then snuggled into my chest.
He soon went to sleep as I cuddled with him, the sound of him sleeping is very peacefull. I watched him sleeping for a while and then decided to go to sleep as well.
Trash speaking :)
I hope you enjoyed it and I'll try my best to update as often as possible.
It's just that school is being a b*tch and gave me a crap lot of homeworks and projects, uugghh...
So yeah, have a great day!

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