Jenna, I Can't~ 15

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There's a time skip of about a day.

After Josh left I started contemplating everything, from last night  to the past year. Everything seemed so vivid like it had happened yesterday, I remember going out for a meal with Tyler, Jenna and Josh but this time it was just, me and him, alone. I threw on a knee length light blue dress and some plain but nice trainers. As I waited for josh to pick me up, I decided to look over his twitter profile. The more I stayed the more I regretted it, you see his fans new about me, they also thought we were secretly in a relationship at one point, but josh but something that warmed my heart but broke it at the same time,

spooky jim christmas 24/11/2016
I'm so lucky to be going out on a date with the most beautiful person I know ❤️

That was the part that made me smile wider than a kid on Christmas, but the part that hurt me was the comments.

Errrrrrr it's probably that Y/N person

She's disgusting, you deserve better

Those were the kind you expected to hear but the one that crushed me was this,

Oh I know her, she used to go my high school, yea she's a right slüt. She'll just break your heart like she's done with countless boys before.

I don't remember this person, I don't know if they went to my school but for some reason that's what broke me, that's what made me break down and cry. Surround by own soft whimpers, I pulled my phone up to face and messaged Jenna,

Jenna, I can't.

Word count: 278

A/n so I haven't updated in a while but I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. The bit about the hate was difficult to write because I absolutely hate anyone who does that over the internet especially, it's such a cowardly thing to do. Anyway I plan on writing a few more chapters tonight as I probably won't sleep.

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