Happy ending || fourtris

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Tris & Tobias : happy ending

"Where's Tris?" I say

"I'm sorry Tobias, she's just washing up she'll be here in a little bit, how did it go?"

"Good" I snap back I just want to see tris, I need to know that she is okay. That's when I spot her blonde head turning the corner her eyes meet mine as I run towards her and grasp her in a hug

"I missed you too" she whispers into my ear

I place my hands on either side of her face rubbing a tear that's fallen onto her cheek off with my thumb. We're both crying now just lightly."I never want to be split up from you again, from now on we're always a team, you and I together always"

I say placing my lips on hers and kissing her softly. She's breaks the kiss and whispers


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