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"Psycho" by Muse

Suffice to say, Sophia's parents did not believe the neighbor boy launched the basketball at her face in a spiteful manner.  It was the teenage girl's word and nothing else to confirm the story of what had happened. Her sister Annie had admitted she was paying no attention when the incident occurred, therefore, there was no one else to see whether or not Blake had hit Sophia intentionally. But, Sophia knew. An entire week passed by without further incidents, but that didn't matter; she was adamant the creep hit her out of anger because she refused to watch him anymore.

"I know he did it on purpose," Sophia muttered one afternoon at school. Even though their campuses weren't connected, she occasionally had to see the creep when Blake's class was exiting gym class when her class was entering. It was catching Blake's lingering stare on Sophia as they passed in the hallway that brought up the memory of the incident. "Did you hear him say the last part about my face swelling...? He might as well have I DID IT  tattooed on his forehead!"
"Maybe he didn't do it on purpose," Annie shrugged, tossing her bag over shoulder as the sisters walked to their nearby lockers.

Sophia stared. "Whose side are you on??"

Annie rolled her brown eyes as they walked. "If he was like, doing creepy things on a daily basis, that would show he most likely did it on purpose. But he doesn't. It was one isolated incident where nothing else happened."

"So, what...? You won't be believing me until the guy tries something again...?"

"You're sounding paranoid. Mom already has us outside with you whenever you flip on the trampoline just in case something like that were to happen again; stop worrying."

After stopping by Annie's locker and collecting her books she needed for homework that night, the sisters next made their way to Sophia's down the hall locker only to find something strange regarding it. The locker had a couple very large dents in it as well as a spray painted word across the front of it in very large letters.


A few nearby kids chuckled while some actually looked to pity Sophia upon finding her locker in such a way. Annie stared incredulously while Sophia tried to work to keep her mouth from hanging open. After a few seconds of staring, Mary Carpenter reassured the Summers' sisters  she was running off to fetch the principal. It looked like the solid blue locker had encountered the bad end of a baseball bat along with a can of spray-paint.
After a few more seconds of awkward silence where some nice individuals reassured the Summers' sisters that whoever did this was probably going to get suspended for defacing school property,  Sophia shot Annie a pair of very high eyebrows as well as a nod towards the direction of the broken locker. Obviously remembering their earlier conversation just moments prior to the discovery, Annie winced heavily. "Now that's bad timing."

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