26)There Will Be Blood

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"There's no way he didn't do it," concluded Alex vehemently. Two days had passed since the break in and the stabbing of Napoleon. Blake Bradshaw had been brought in for questioning, but the detectives couldn't acquire a DNA test without parental consent. Considering Mrs. Bradshaw adamantly refused to allow her minor son to provide DNA for a crime she claimed was impossible for him to commit, the police had their hands tied. They were going to run the blood found on Napoleon's muzzle for DNA analysis, but that was going to take a total of four weeks to receive back from the lab. One whole month of waiting for confirmation of who the criminal was.

"I'm just really disappointed by how inaccurate all of those police dramas on TV are," said Sophia in wonder. "How does it take a whole month to hear back from the lab about blood?" There was only a few members of the family who were back at the house packing belongings. The smaller children were left with Grandma Summers.
"We now have a restraining order against him," said Mr. Summers confidently as he placed a stack of plates into a large box where the inbox was bubble wrapped. "We'll be okay..."
Alex's harsh laughter cut him off. Mr. and Mrs. Summers watched as she cackled uncontrollably for a few moments. Alex resembled a maniacal genie with her bandage turban and laughter. "And what are you going to do with that silly piece of paper, dad? Wave it in his face?"
"I don't like your tone."
"Because it's my tone of voice that's been the real problem this entire time," said Alex with a serious nod.
"It's your tone of voice that is unnecessary during an already stressful time-"
"My tone can't help there's so many people who ignored obvious signs this entire time!"
"What would you like to do, Alexandria, an I-told-you-so dance?" demanded Mrs. Summers.
Alex looked about to comment before she just shook her head. She didn't seem to know what she wanted. Mr. Summers took the opportunity of having everyone quiet to make an announcement to his wife and older children. "I want this to be our last day in the damn house. We get everything packed on the inside and then we're out of here for good."
Annie's eyes went wide. "But dad, what about the treehouse outside? The kids toys??"
"We've already explained the situation to our landlord," said Mrs. Summers quietly. "They kindly said they would handle it for us."
"So we won't be seeing that stuff again, will we??"
Sophia stopped paying attention to her squabbling family. Her view of the window showcased the Bradshaw house. Namely, Mrs. Bradshaw bringing yet another suitor to her house. This gentleman was not the same as the others the middle aged woman had been entertaining as of late. He was tall and of lanky build; the little bit of hair he had was a salt and pepper color. Mrs. Bradshaw was dressed in hot pink kimono and had her hair cascading in a waterfall of curls. Ridiculously high three-inch heels were upon her feet. They were giggling from the driveway all the way into the house.
Sophia was thinking it was all very peculiar up until a tap on her shoulder jolted her from the moment. "Yeah?"
"Your father and I are going to pick up some sandwiches for lunch. Would you want turkey or ham?"
"I can't believe they split our group up," huffed Alex ten minutes later. Their parents and brother Colin had gone out to retrieve lunch. That left Alex, Sophia, and Annie alone at the house. Although she made a good point, Sophia didn't quite understand why Alex was worried. The Bradshaw boys were at school; it was only Mrs. Bradshaw home with one of her possible lovers. There really wasn't anything to fear while they packed.
"I'm going to go save some of those toys before mom and dad leave them," said Annie. "Wanna come with?"
Sophia shrugged and followed, okay with the idea of working outside instead of helping the crabby Alex pack dishes. She was still muttering under her breath how no one followed 'horror movie logic' in their family.
For a few minutes the sister scoured the backyard for any loose toys in the backyard that could be put in a box. Larger objects were going to unfortunately be left behind, but Sophia understood why they wouldn't be taken with. The less time they spent preparing for the move, the better.
"At first when you said you didn't think Blake did it, I wondered if Dylan could be a suspect," noted Annie as they packed away a container of barbies that had been left out. She took out one pink earbud as they talked. The other could be heard still blaring music.
"Yeah, he was kind of into you and then not, and sort of disappeared after the thing with the car."
Sophia snorted at her sister's hypothesis. "We can successfully cross him off the suspect list. Anna Dunne posted Instagram snaps of her and Dylan together. He just moved on."
"What a bitch," Annie commented. She shared a smile with Sophia upon insulting the boy.
"That was my sentiment when he left me alone to possibly die after the incident and didn't really bother trying to talk to me again."
"That's what got me thinking he could possibly be a suspect." Annie packed away a box of chalk. "You know what would be really funny, is if-"
But Sophia stopped listening the second she heard a muffled scream. Her head snapped up to search for the noise even though it lasted for barely a moment.
"Wouldn't that be hilarious?" concluded Annie as she packed another miscellaneous toy in the bucket she had brought out. Sophie hadn't paid any attention to what her sister had said. "That didn't come from our house," she concluded grimly.
Sophia yanked out Annie's other earbud. "Didn't you hear that scream??"
"I don't know, I heard something but I wasn't really listening."
"Someone screamed."
"No, the sound didn't come from our house." Sophia left the yard to stand in the driveway. There was nothing abnormal about the house next door; but there was something in the air. Something that was telling Sophia there was something terribly wrong in that moment. "I'm going to check if it was Alex," said Annie as she hurried towards the house.
Sophia stood in the driveway, nearly ready to hold her breath as she waited for something – anything – to occur. The side door of the Summers house slammed shut as Annie went to investigate if the noise came from Alex. A loud sound of glass breaking from the Bradshaw house grasped Sophia's full attention. She couldn't tell what part of the house it came from, but she knew it came from inside that house. Sophia didn't have a cell phone on her. She hurried towards the side door and nearly ran into Alex.
"What's up?"
"Someone screamed next door and there was a sound of glass breaking!"
Alex simply shrugged. "Come inside."
"What if Mrs. Bradshaw is in trouble?"
Alex looked flabbergasted. "Then it's her own damn fault for defending her psychotic son. Had she not, he'd be in jail."
"That's cold, Alex."
"No, it's the sardonic truth," said Alex simply. "You can't feel bad about her own-" Another loud noise from the Bradshaw house cut her off completely. Something was happening in that house, something loud enough that it could be heard across the large yard. Alex's head slowly swiveled to stare at the house along with Sophia. It was when her older sister shot her a look that Sophia realized she knew what she was thinking. "Don't even think about it," scolded Alex. "We are not going over there!"
But Sophia got out her cellphone and proceeded to walk closer to the Bradshaw house.
"Sweet Jesus," cried Alex. "Let's call the police and that wait at our house. We are absolutely positively not going there-"
"How are you going to live with yourself if she gets hurt or worse??" demanded Sophia.
"Like a baby once my pain meds kick in. You know, the meds I got after that psycho tried to kill me!" said Alex through clenched teeth. "Now get your butt in the house and we'll call the police..."
But Sophia didn't listen as she started dialing the police departments number while hurrying towards the house.
"Or completely fucking ignore me and move closer," snarled Alex as she hurried to catch up, her bandaged turban head shaking as she jogged. There was more loud noises within the house, inspiring Sophia to hurry closer. She went to the side door of the house with Alex in pursuit. Once Sophia reached the Schaumburg police department on her phone, she handed it to Alex to make the call. Alex scowled and took the phone.
"Hi, I think my neighbor is in trouble. She's screaming like she's in pain..." she started to explain to whomever was on the line. Sophia was about to knock on the door before she found something very odd.
The door was already ajar.
"Mrs. Bradshaw?" Sophia called loudly, venturing into the house. "Mrs. Bradshaw, are you okay?"
Alex was whispering for her to come back as she continued conversing on the phone, but Sophia didn't listen. She ventured into the large house cautiously, already having hold of her pepper spray she now always kept on herself. Sophia took a few hesitant steps down the hallway, fear fluttering throughout her chest. "Mrs. Bradshaw, we heard screaming..." she trailed off midsentence. All the fear she had felt for months was nothing compared to what she saw right in front of her. Past the hardwood floor of the hallway led to the living room where there was a snow-white shag rug that Sophia didn't remember from her times of babysitting. Upon the snow-white rug was an oozing blood red saturating the carpet. On the floor of that carpet, lay the body of the man Sophia had seen enter the Bradshaw house earlier. His brown eyes were vacant; lifeless as he stared at nothing in particular up at the ceiling.
Sophia felt the bile rising in her throat and she had to resist releasing it all over the place. Jammed into the dead man's throat was a razorblade.
Authors Note:
Hey guy, I plan on finishing the story within the week, thanks for staying with me all this time! Please keep in mind a lot of Wattpad authors (including myself ) do ***not*** get paid to update for free on Wattpad. That's why this book has not been a priority of mine to finish. 

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