6)The Inquisitive One

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"Carousal" by Melanie Martinez

"So you believe that sweet boy next door hit you purposely as well as destroyed your locker?" said Diana Summers, her skepticism clearly showing.

Her grandmother's disapproving tone along with referring to Blake as a 'sweet boy' was not comforting. Annie shot Sophia a look across the dinner table, one that clearly said; 'You shouldn't have told the one person who never believes anyone ever does anything bad purposely.'

Diana Summers had a rather naïve life philosophy that the world was littered with kind people, every day, all the time. Sophia had expected the old woman wouldn't believe her own granddaughter. Still, she expected some sort of sympathy. The teenager had  been so fired up all day she had to unleash her frustration to the only adult home when she got back from school. Due to her parents attending one of her father's work functions along with all older kids minus her gone for the night, grandma Summers was here to stay the night and help out with younger kids still at home. Sophia had loved the idea of having a mini-sleepover with her grandmother....Up until the woman didn't believe her claims regarding the evil booger next door. 

 By the time Principal Phillips had interviewed her and Annie as well as other kids who had been by the locker, no suspect could be found. No one saw the incident transpire, and no one saw anyone hovering by the locker when they shouldn't have been. To make matters worse, no security cameras were anywhere near the hallway where Sophia's locker was situated. Principal Phillips had been kind and reassuring, but he was rather useless. All he really attempted to do was convince Sophia to see the school psychiatrist in case she was 'sensitive' to name calling.

"Yes, grandma. That 'sweet boy' is mad I didn't want to babysit him and so he went ahead and hit me while I was on the trampoline and then destroyed my locker..."Sophia trailed off realizing Diana was not paying her any attention as she fluttered around the kitchen fixing plates of spaghetti for the other kids. The teenagers words were going in one ear and out the other.

"I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it," Diana clucked happily. "You know dear, back when your grandfather and I were kids, he was quite immature, too."

Sophia stared at the old woman, disbelieving her own grandmother could be so very cavalier regarding something so serious. Luckily, her younger sister's sarcasm was strong.  "I don't think grandpa's immaturity and Blake trying to break Soph's neck is the same thing, grandma," Annie pointed out crossly.

Diana snorted. "Sweetie, I highly doubt he was trying to break someone's neck..."

"Because she's oblivious to cruel intentions," Annie muttered to Sophia before devouring the meatball on her plate.

Diana continued to prattle on as she helped Sophia's toddler-age brother by handing him a juice box. "That boy was just the sweetest individual when he stopped by today. That's why I just can't believe he would be capable of something like that. You know, when I was your age..."

This caught the sisters attention immediately even as their grandmother continued to speak. "Wait; Blake stopped by our house...?" Sophia asked with a frown.

"Yep, with his mother. You girls weren't back from dance yet. Anyway, chattiest woman, a little dramatic, but he's a sweet boy. They started asking about this house and before I knew it, an entire hour had passed of us talking!"

"What would they need to ask about the house??"
"Huh?" Diana asked as she grappled with the toddler pulling him from his highchair.
"Why would Blake's mom want to know about our house?"
"Oh not his mother, dear. Blake! He's quite inquisitive. He wanted to know how such a large family was liking this house and the room situations."

Sophia's brows furrowed. "What do you mean, room situations...?"
Diana waved her hand airily as if silently willing her granddaughter to grasp her silent thoughts. "He wanted to know what bedrooms everyone slept in."

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