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{Suga's POV}

I explained everything that happened yesterday to her while carrying her back to the car.


"Eomma we're home." I said loud enough for eomma to hear me. I was about to go upstairs when eomma summoned me and Jinhee to the living room, making us sit on the couch.

"Are you guys dating?" Eomma's facial expression isn't that bright. I gave Jinhee a its-just-an-act face and she immediately understood.

"N-Ne." I stuttered. Omg.. I suck at lying. I hang my head low and played with my fingers.

"Great!! When did you guys started dating?" Eomma's expression suddenly brighten up.

My eyes widen at the sudden change of expression. I turn my head to the right, and saw Jinhee's eyes as wide as mine.

"Urm.. 2 months ago.." I hesitantly answer. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed that Jinhee is shaking nervously. I took her hand and interwine it with mine to calm her down.

Jinhee was kind of surprised, but eventually went with the flow. "Oh I see." Eomma said excitedly. "You both look so cute yesterday when sleeping." Eomma clapped her hands together.

"Eomma, how did you-"
"The doctor came 15 minutes later, and that's when I saw you both sleeping together." Eomma cut me off and explained. I can tell that Jinhee is really nervously.

"The doctor did some simple check on Jinhee, and confirmed that she's fine, just didn't eat." Eomma said.

"Drink some." I handed Jinhee her half remaining bubble tea. "Ah.." I mummered. "So.. when am I becoming a grandmother?" Eomma asked out of nowhere, causing Jinhee to chocked while drinking.

"Gwenchana?" I patted her back. She just nodded. "Eomma, where did that question came from?"

"Mian mian, my fault. I forgot that you guys are still studying." Eomma apologises and got up from the couch.

"I have to go for an important meeting  now, I'll be back at around 11pm. Bye~" Eomma said and left the house.

After confirming that eomma had left, I then sigh in relief. "Ehem." Jinhee coughed. I turn to her and saw her looking down at our interwined hands.

I blushed and quickly remove my hand from her's. Its so awkward now.. "I-I'm going to m-my r-room now." I stuttered again and head back to my room.

{Jinhee's POV}

I felt my cheeks heating up when Mrs. Min asked when she's becoming a grandma. That's seriously very awkward...

Dating for 2 months huh.. I think it has only been 2 days since I signed the 'contract'.

I went back to my room to shower. After showering, I plop myself onto my bed and switch on my laptop.

Its k-drama time!! Heard of 'W'? That's my favourite drama. "Kangchul oppa marry me~" I fangirled.

Here comes a kiss scene. Hyunjoo wrap her arms around Kangchul's neck and pull him closer to her.. and then..


"ASDFJOENXHW U BISH!!" I cursed.. not really. I'm being really nice to the person that ruined my k-drama time. He/she should be thankful that I didn't directly call him/her a bitch.

"Open the door!!" Suga's voice was heard at the other side of the door. -_-

"Coming!!" I jump off my bed and open the door wide for him to come in. "Watching k-drama?" Suga just stated the obvious.

"Ani, I'm staring at the laptop screen." I said with sarcasm. "Whatever." Suga rolled his eyes and sat next to me on the bed.

I ignored his presence and continue playing the kiss scene. Their lips are only inches apart.. their lips brush against each others..

"There will be a winter festival held a week later. You'll be attending it with me." Suga interrupted my k-drama time AGAIN.

I paused my video and listen to whatever he has to say. When he's done talking, I turn my attention back again to my laptop.

I hit the spacebar and the video starts playing again. But Suga starts talking again when the video didn't even manage to last for a second.

I got annoyed and just cut him off by pushing out of the room and locking the door. "Yahh!!" I heard Suga yelled from outside, but I just ignore it and continue watching Kangchul and Hyunjoo kissing.


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