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{Jinhee's POV}

- Next Day -

"KIM JINHEE!! WAKE UP!!" Yoongi's voice woke me up.

"Mhmm... 1 more hour.." I groaned and cover my face with my pillow. "You can sleep in the plane." Yoongi said and left the room.

I toss my pillow to the other side of the bed and got up to do my morning routines.

- 20 mins later -

After taking a hot bath, I put on a baggy white tee and ripped jeans. I decided that make up is not necessary, and just head downstairs. There, I was greeted by a restless Yoongi.

{Yoongi's POV}

🎵I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, Oh Yes! I luv it, I luv i-🎵

My alarm went off and I lazily reach for my phone to turn it off. I got up from my bed and go straight to the bathroom to do my morning routines.

- 15 mins later -

I changed into a plain black tee and ripped jeans. Its 5.45am now and I have to wake Jinhee up. We have to reach the airport by 6.50am as that's the time where by our plane take off.

I shoved my phone into my jeans pocket and barged into Jinhee's room."KIM JINHEE!! WAKE UP!!" I shouted loud enough for the birds on the top of the roof to fly away.

"Mhmm... 1 more hour.." She groaned. Aishh.. It can sometimes be a pian in the ass when waking her up.

Just then, my phone buzzed. I dig out my phone and saw a message from Soojung.

From: Bitch
To: User

     Oppa, I'll be waiting for you at the 
              airport. Don't be late♡♡

"You can sleep in the plane." I said and left Jinhee's room. I pressed on the message icon and started typing.

From: User
To: Bitch

       There's no need. I'm going with
             Jinhee. You can go first.

I went back to my room and took the plane tickets, as well as my luggage. My phone buzzed again. But this time I didn't bother reading the message.

I kept the plane tickets in my jeans pocket and drag my luggage downstairs.

I plopped myself down onto the couch and closed my eyes, leaning my head against the wall. Why do I have to attend this wedding? Why am I the heir?

I sighed. "What's wrong?"

I shot open my eyes, only to find Jinhee looking down at me. "I'm fine." I said and got up from the couch. "No you're not." She knitted her eyebrows.

"Are you on your period or something? Only girls experience mood swing. I don't know about guys, but it seems like they experience it too." She said while putting on her black converse shoe.


"Let's go before we miss our flight." Jinhee cut me off. "I'll treat you coffee, okay? It helps with your mood swing." She smiled and shut the door in my face.

Aishh this gurl... I'll get my revenge later on in Japan. You just wait, you brat. I punched the air.

- Incheon Airport -

"2 Americano please, thank you." Jinhee ordered 2 cups of coffee.. for real..

"It really helps." She handed me the coffee. I just gave her the what-the-hell look. I gladly took the coffee taking a sip of it.



*spits out coffee*

Soojung appeared out of nowhere caused me to spit my coffee out. Geez.. What the hell is wrong with her? I told her not to wait for me didn't I?

"Oppa, why didn't you read my message?" Soojung link her arms with mine. From the corner of my eye, I saw Jinhee giving Soojung a disgusted look.

{Jinhee's POV}

(Inserts dramatic voice)I am

{Yoongi's POV}

I freed my arm from her grip and took out my phone, checking the message Soojung sent me.

From: Bitch
To: User

       Gwenchana. I'll be waiting for
    u both at the airport then. Cya thr♡


Oh mai god..

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