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{Soojung's POV}

"Why can't you accept Jinhee? She's the one I truly love. I'm willing to spend my whole life with her. No matter what, I'll only marry Jinhee. No one else."

With that, Yoongi just ran out of the hall. Kim Jinhee you bitch!! I swear I will kill you with my bare hands. You're an obstruction to my goal.

I went out of the hall to find Yoongi. But then, he was nowhere to be seen. "Yoongi ah!!" I shouted. "Min Yoongi!!"

... no repond ...

{Yoongi's POV}

I ran, ran, and ran. I have no destination in mind. I just let my legs carry me to wherever it wants to go. I don't care if I'm going to get lost in Japan or not. I just want to be alone.

After minutes, or even hours of running, I came to a stop at a park. I bend down, resting my hands on my knees, panting profusely.

Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead, dripping down and staining the ground. Couples in the park are cuddling with each other. Parents with young kids are taking photo there.

And also...

Soojung was there. Why is she here?

She didn't seem to notice me. As she came towards my direction, I quickly hid myself behind a tree.

I then saw her sitting on the bench in front of the tree I'm hiding. Oh my god.. what if she noticed me? I'm so unlucky..

"He's in the hospital right now?" Soojung said. I carefully peeked from behind the tree and saw her talking to someone on the phone.

"Make sure he's dead." She said. Make sure who's dead? Who is she talking about? "Do whatever you can!! I repeat, I.Want.Him.Dead." With that, she ended the call and left the park.

Is someone dying? And who is she talking to? There's something suspicuous about this. I'll have to investigate then.

Just then, my phone vibrated. I dug out my phone and immediately power off it after seeing the caller ID.

... Jinhee ...

{Jinhee's POV}

- In Hospital -

"Sorry Ms and Mdm, you can't enter the emergency room, please wait outside." A nurse told us and went inside the emergency room.

Mrs. Min then drop onto the floor, crying in her palms. "Please be alright." She muttered softly, but I can still hear what she said.

I patted her shoulder, comforting her. "He'll be fine." I said. Mrs. Min lift her head up. "He'll be alright." I show Mrs. Min my palm, wanting to help her get up.

She took it and stood up. I help her to the seats and waited patiently for the doctors to come out. While waiting, I took out my phone and called Yoongi.

- 30 mins later -

Still no answer.. what is he up to..

I plopped myself down onto the seat and burried my face into my palms. This is supposed to be a joyful winter festival... but why did it ended up so tragically...

I sighed.

Where did Yoongi go to? Did something happened to him as well?

I turned to look at Mrs. Min. She stopped crying, but nowing fidgetting with her fingers, waiting inpatiently.

"Mrs. Min." I said. "Would you mind staying here alone for a few minutes?"

"Did something happened?" Mrs. Min asked. "Ani. It's just that... Yoongi didn't answer my calls for the past 30 mins.. I'm worried that-"

"I don't mind waiting alone here. But please make sure you find Yoongi. I don't want to lose both my son and husband." She sounded on the verge of breaking down again.

I patted her shoulder, reassuring her that I will find Yoongi. With that, I went off searching for Yoongi.

I ran out of the hospital, searching every alley and corner for Yoongi.

I look around and approached a couple. "Excuse me, did you see a man around the height of 1.7m, wearing a texudo, and have fair skin?"

"Isn't he the guy that looks so depressed in park and powered off his phone?" The woman said.

"Oh right! We saw him in the park just now." The guy said. "Where is the park?" I asked. The guy pointed down the road, and said that the park is located all the way down the road, on the left.

I thanked him and sprinted down the road. I reached the park within seconds, panting and sweating.


The thunder sounded. I shut my eyes tightly and covered my ears. Then, I felt a drop of water landed on my head. I opened my eyes and look up.

Its raining...

I walked into the park, looking around. There's no one there... The park is dimly lighted, and the rain started pouring heavily. The rain then made my vision blurry.

"Min Yoongi!! Come out!! Where are you!?!!" I shouted.

There is no respond from him. All i heard was the sound of the rain hitting the ground violently.

"Min Yoongi!!" I shouted. But there is still no response from him. Through my blury vision, I saw a figure holding onto a bright blue color umbrella, standing far in front of me.

"Yoongi?" I muttered under my breath and walk towards the figure. As i got closer, the person's face became clearer.











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