Chapter 17 - You

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Hope's P.O.V

What's he planning?!

"Bring them out." The Sperm donor orders. A hunter nods, he places 2 fingers in his mouth and blows, whistling.  Suddenly the double doors to be kitchen slam open and the sight I see before me is nothing but pure horror. Rebecca... she is covered in blood. Wounds all up and down her arms, ripped clothes...

Next to her is Abigail, the twins maid. She is in a similar condition but not as bad.

What have they done to them!?

There are fresh wounds and also old...dried blood and fresh. I turn my head and focus on Ethan. He doesn't look fazed. What the fuck? Does he not care!? Plus I thought he was the one that drinks human blood? Why hasn't he reacted?

My father stares at Ethan in interest. I look over my father's face, and see no emotion.. what's his game?

"Not even a twitch," my father hums, "you aren't like the rest. Others would have jumped forward like the animals you are and drank them dry without some sort of hesitation." Ethan says nothing. He just stares daggers into my fathers skull. My father flicks his fingers and one if the hunters draw a knife out.

"What are you doing!?" I question in panic. That fucking psycho just smirks. Suddenly the hunter stops behind Abigail and places the blade against her throat. At this point I wanted to say something, but I'm smart enough to know that is a terrible idea.

"I hope this is some sort of persuasion for you To answer my questions. So... What about your brother? That's Grayson isn't it? And what's your name again?" Ethan just tilts his head and squeezes my hand. I look at him. But his focus is upon my father. What's wrong with him?

"So your brother ... where is he? I half expected him to walk beside you both." Ethan still hasn't reacted in anyway.

"Your brother, is he the one who has trouble around human blood? Because it seems you have no trouble around it..." what? But Grayson drinks animal blood. Ethan's eyes flash red for a second. Shit. My father's sinister smirk grows. He turns his head and nods at the hunter.

The hunter behind Abigail looks deep into my eyes mirroring my father's facial expressions. Suddenly the blade against her throat is dragged to the side, cutting her throat... deeply.

My body freezes. I watch as she chokes on her own blood. She places both hands on her neck to try and attempt to stop the bleeding but it is only resulting her to gurgle on the blood even more.

No! No! This wasn't meant to happen!

Suddenly my vision is blocked by what I think is a hand, I feel arms wrap around me as they push my head against their chest. Hiding me from the scene. I can smell mint. Ethan.

"Why are you asking all of these useless questions? Killing innocents? For what purpose? Why are you actually here? What do you want?" Ethan asks with anger vibrating through his voice.

"I think we all know." I lift my head up out of Ethan's chest and see that my father's eyes are set on me. I look back up at Ethan and see that his eyes are glowing bright red. My father's patience seems to be growing. He flicks his hand again and the same hunter holding the knife stands behind Rebecca, holding the knife up at her throat.

"Hope... just- go!"Rebecca manages to spit out.

"No!" I shout, "I will go with you! Just... just stop." I look at my father. I twist my head back round to see Ethan, I feel weak.

"Let me go Ethan." I say with defeat. Ethan looks at me with red glowing orbes.

"Fuck No." He says angrily.

"No more deaths! Please.." I shout pulling away.

Suddenly we hear something drop. The floor vibrates against my feet as whatever dropped was heavy. Everyone goes silent in the room, I turn around and look on the floor. One of my father's men laying dead, with a twisted head. What the fuck?

My father pushes through, "move!" Then he stops at the sight. Anger washes over his face and he turns to Ethan. "You are nex-

Suddenly we hear cracks echoing throughout the room, we turn only to see 3 more bodies on the floor.  One of them who had killed Abigail.

What the fuck is happening!?

I look at Rebecca. I need to go to her. While holding onto that thought I am suddenly grabbed behind, and hand is placed onto my mouth and something cold and metal pressed against my temple. This is all too familiar. A gun. I look at Ethan as I scream into my captures hand. Ethan turns and shows emotion in his face that he could kill. His eyes glowing the brightest red and his fangs at peek.

"Back away you vampire..", he pushes the gun even harder to my head. My father. That bastard!

"Now! Show yourself, or I will place a bullet in her head." My father shouts. Ethan is still standing in the same place, with the same face.

"Come on.. don't be shy, no human can run that fast and kill that many men in seconds by hand.." he shouts again. Still nothing.

"You think of me as a fool?! Show your face.. we all know it's you Grayson." Wait what?! Grayson is here? I thought he was in the car. Suddenly someone appears into the room at such a speed. Grayson.

I look at him, covered in blood. Eyes blazing red with Splodges of black. His eyes are wide open as if he is with struggle. The human blood. He looks at me with panic and fear but that immediately changes when he looks at my father.

"Let her go." He demands deeply.

"What are you going to do?" My father laughs.

"Kill you before you kill her." He takes a step forward.

"I'm fast Grayson."

"Yes, but I'm much faster." He smirks. The gun is pressed hard against my temple.

Bloody Love - A Dolan twin Story (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now