Mission Log 1

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In the distance, I notice a battle unlike any other. The sun shines it's brilliant rays of light across the ever-darkening landscape. It's bright light fights against the encroaching darkness. Across the sky, an army of clouds marches to the battlefield. Their massive shape and size gives it an advantage. The clouds surround the sun, snuffing out its brilliant rays of light. The clouds, trying to fuel their vibrant colors, then consume the light. The sun, unable to withstand the surrounding clouds attacks, is itself consumed. It's light hidden behind the army's fluffy curtains. It's sad that people just disregard this epic battle. A battle that occurs every day. But then again maybe that's why they disregard it. Everyone takes it for granted. But me, I watch it every evening. It's sad but beautiful. I just wish I could watch it all evening. It's a shame my job drags me away from nature's splendor. But then again it's important. It's not that I don't have to do it, but I want to do it.

Just recently, a mysterious wave of murders and kidnappings has occurred around New Haven. The victims of these murders were found not only dead, but also with a strange skin condition. In the police footage, I noticed that people with this skin condition were acting quite strangely. There were groaning and tried to bite others. They were almost like zombies. Then the Reapers came in and shot them. Maybe this is all a misunderstanding. The people were acting quite strangely when the Reapers got there. Maybe they were just trying to defend themselves. But still, it doesn't make sense. If it were a case of self-defense, then it would be an isolated incident. These murders are occurring more and more daily. This can't be self-defense. It's organized and the Reapers are behind it. But why? What do they possibly have to gain from all this? What are they doing? That's why I'm on this mission. That's why our orders are to capture Aiden.

In the footage, the one face that is always in the picture is Aiden. He's the one link to all of this. We capture him and we can finally put a stop to these murders. We find him and all our questions will be answered. But saying all of this is the easy part. The hard part is actually capturing him. Aiden is elusive. So elusive in fact, that no one, not even the veteran Reaper Hunters have been able to even see him. But maybe this time will be different... maybe... As we ride on, I pick up a conversation between members of the SWAT team.

"Yeah sure. Lets just all stay calm and get behind the Reaper Hunters! Nah, I say we go in ourselves! Clear out this mess!"

"I don't think so. These Reapers are tough. In fact, Margret once broke her nose trying to catch Adrienne. Isn't that right Margret?" The woman known as Margret didn't answer. Margret sat in the front seat. Her expression calm and stoic as the SWAT kept badgering her. Margret is second in command. According to mom, she has a year's experience. I wish I had that much experience. Unlike Margret, I'm a rookie. In fact, I just started today. Today's my first day on the job, a job that could get me killed. The Reapers are tough, dangerous, and just plain scary. At least that's how my mom put it. She's a Reaper Hunter too. In fact, I heard she's the best in the business. Mom was the one recommended me to sign up for this.

"You're a good fighter, Aneira! Trust me, the Reaper Hunters would do well with someone like you." I remember when she said that. My checks went from a pale white to a flaming red. I don't remember ever being a good fighter. But I guess if my mom was saying it, then it was true. But still... ah maybe my modesty is kicking in. Anyway I got in almost immediately. But I really didn't expect to be put in as a Reaper Hunter. I just thought I would be doing some type of intern work. But they actually put in as a Reaper Hunter. In fact, now that I think about it, it was a whirlwind process. Wow... just wow. And to think, I got in this fast because of "skill". At least that's what mom said. A brief sense of excitement came through me. I can't wait to get to our destination! I can't wait to start! But the excitement was only brief. Dread suddenly sweeps my excitement away like a raging river. I can see it now, my excitement trying to hold on for dear life amidst the raging current. I try to maintain my excitement but what my mom said comes back to haunt me. What she said took away my excitement away for good.

"Aneira, Reaper Hunting is dangerous. The Reapers are fast, dangerous, deadly. They're nearly impossible to catch. Let alone shoot at. Bullets are like throwing rocks at them. They can dodge it with such ease, it almost looks natural."

"So shooting's out. What should I do then?" I say uncertainly.

"Well, you really don't have a choice. I wouldn't try hand-to-hand combat. They hit hard and quick. Well, you need to first off slow them down. I don't know how but just try to slow them down. Then shoot them in the head. It won't hurt them too much. But it will stagger them for a few moments. Always go for the head. It's the only thing that works every time." Right. So just shoot in the head. Okay, but how do I slow them down? I was told it was dark in the facility ahead. Maybe I can sneak up on them. But they would see our lights. Plus... well maybe the team will figure something out. As we approach the facility, I notice a metal door blocks our path. From a distance, it doesn't look too heavy. Maybe we can all lift it. But the closer we come, the taller it gets. But thankfully it doesn't look any heavier. The vehicle comes to a sudden stop in front of the door. Everyone gets out. I tried to get out but I forgot my seatbelt is still fastened.

"Hey rookie! Chickening out? It's okay. You can just stay behind us and let us kill the ugly monsters!" Laughter erupts from the SWAT team. My face goes white hot with embarrassment and anger. Some people shouldn't be on the team. Especially the SWAT. But, their city mandated. They have to be with us. Maybe the city doesn't want us to go alone. But maybe I should look on the bright side. More people means more guns right? But still my mother's sayings prove otherwise.

"Reapers aren't just something you can shoot at. You can't shoot at them. They're incredibly resistant to injury. Don't think you can shoot at the heart because you can't. A thick layer of bone surrounds and protects it. It's almost unbreakable..." A sigh emanates from me as I get out of the vehicle. Reapers can't be unstoppable. There must be something we can do.

"Everyone gather 'round" Captain Zaire said. Zaire is the team leader. Like my mother, he's also the best in the business. The Captain takes a knee and starts to talk about the mission.

"Alright. Our mission is to capture Aiden. HQ wants him alive. We bring him in and this crime wave stops. Now everyone split up. SWAT you take the back. Margret you go with them. And rookie, you're with me. Everyone understand?" There were no sounds of disagreement. Soon, everyone gathers at the metal door and starts to pull upward. I grab too and find it heavier than I thought it was going to be. It didn't take long for the metal door to slide up. But due to its weight, only a small opening appeared. SWAT crawled first underneath our feet, then Margret.

"GoAneira" The Captain said to me. I crawl through the claustrophobic space andemerge into a suffocating darkness. Soon the Captain emerged and the door tothe outside was shut. There's no turning back now.    

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