Final Mission Log

15 4 2

When I came to, my ears were bombarded by the sounds of voices. One, I knew, was Aiden's. But the other one, it was feminine. It is so strange but yet so familiar. It was almost like I knew who the woman was. Quickly I get up, my hands and feet quick to get me off the floor. Above me, the two voices seemed to be having a horrible conversation.

"Where is she?" The woman says. Though I wasn't there with her, I could tell she was worried.

"Why should I tell you anything?"

"Where is she!? Where is Aneira!?" Aneira? Wait... is that mom? It's mom! Oh thank goodness! I thought something might have happened to her. Thank goodness she's okay! I have to tell her I'm okay! My mouth opens, but the words didn't come out. Doubt starts to sweep away my relief. Aiden told me mom was a Reaper. Why didn't she tell me? Why did she try to hide it? Is it because of me? It can't be. Even if I knew she was a Reaper, I would have still loved her. She's my mom after all. Did she not think I would have loved her? What if I can't trust her? She hid the fact she was a Reaper. But... she's my mom. I have to trust her. I have to...

"Don't play games with Aiden! I know what you've done! I even know about Zaire being the mole. Now, I'll ask you again where is she?!"

"Mom!" I yell.

"Aneira! Are you okay? What happened?" Mom yells from above.

"I'm okay! I'm down here. Are you okay?" From above, I could hear mom pause. I don't know whether it was because of Aiden or if mom was trying to choose her words. But whatever it was, Aiden seemed to take advantage of it.

"Well, how sweet. Mother dearest has come to save her daughter. But let's be honest... you aren't exactly mother dearest are you? Especially since your secret remains untold."

"What secret?" Mom blurts out, her voice sharp and deadly.

"You know what I'm talking about. The Reaper virus runs inside you as well, am I correct? Or will you lie not only to me, but to you daughter as well?" I hear mom draw in her breath.

"That's... not relevant" Aiden laughs. His laughter sends chills down my spine.

"Not relevant?! Oh it is relevant! Very relevant! You hide your Reaper identity and continue to receive commands from your corporate lapdogs. Who, might I add, receive monthly bonuses from Region Incorporated to hunt us down. But that doesn't matter right? You do what you're told. Both Aneira and I are Reapers. Your job is to capture me right? But what about her? What will you do with your daughter? She is one of us, am I right Aneira?" Suddenly, my name was dragged into all of this. Complete shock washed away what little comfort I had. I will confess that I am Reaper. But I'm not with Aiden. I can never be with someone who so callously exterminated my team.

"I knew that already Aiden. I know she's a Reaper. HQ is done for, but my enmity for you is not. I didn't come here because of an objective. I came here to rescue Aneira. But since you're here, why don't we settle the score?"

"Fine by me. But you should know that I don't fight my fellow Reapers." Suddenly, I hear a body hit the floor, and then crash into a wall.

"Aiden, what's going on?"

"Aneira, go to the end of the pipe and jump. You mother's fine. Just go! I'll meet you outside shortly." I nod and proceed to follow Aiden's instructions. As long as my mother is fine, I'll do what I need to. I took a few steps forward and see why I needed to jump. Below me is a large hole. In it, a large turbine was deathly still. Am I sure I should jump? I mean, to get to the pipes I would have to jump fifty feet. I don't even know if I can survive that jump. You know what, if jumping fifty feet means getting out of here, I might as well should just do it. I jump and slide through the pipes until my body came crashing out of the pipe. Water hits my face as my body hits the ground. Immediately I get up and look at the scene. I was standing directly in front of New Haven. The city, normally bursting with activity, was oddly empty. I heard no cars. I know good and well that everyone isn't asleep. Suddenly, Aiden slides out of the pipe. But instead of falling to the ground, Aiden simply slides to his feet. How stylish.

"Aneira, are you okay?" I nod, my mind not on Aiden but on New Haven. They said the town was done for, but yet it doesn't look like it. I don't know, I just want to leave. I start to walk away but Aiden puts his hand on shoulder.

"Where are you going?"

"Anywhere but here."

"And why do you choose to walk away?" Well, I have no home anymore, I have no family, and I have no friends. There really isn't any point in staying here. Aiden stands in front of me, blocking the way to safety.

"Aneira, you can't just walk away from me. I won't let you. And besides, we need to stick together. The only way we'll survive is if we stay together." But I wouldn't have it.

"No. I'm not going with you. I won't. Just leave me alone, you've done enough to me as is." Aiden shakes his head.

"I'm not leaving without you. Come with me Aneira. As a Reaper, you would have a new home, a new family. And you would have me, your best friend. Please Aneira." Aiden takes my hands. I look into his eyes and see they were no longer red. Instead, they were those beautiful aqua blue eyes I haven't seen in a year. Seeing those blue eyes made me melt. Through them, Aiden begged me to stay. I couldn't say no.

"Okay... I'll go with you." Aiden took my hands and together we escaped the graveyard of a once splendid town. 

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