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quick thing i want to say,,,, HAPPY 17TH TO MY BABIES! ILYSMM AND I CANT WAIT FOR YOU GUYS TO COME BACK TO ENGLAND! i miss them :(

-------------------------------- back to the story

The loud car noises form outside and the bright sun that peeped through my lace curtains awoke me at 11:30. I grabbed my very smashed up, and old, iPhone 4 from the wooden bedside table and opened up camera. My hair poked up in all different directions and mascara was smudge under my eyes.

I laid in bed for a few more minutes, just starring at the ceiling, thinking over my life and past before slowly pulling the covers off my legs and heading for the bathroom.

I wiped the mascara from under my eyes and brushed through my hair, tipping my head over and tying it up into a lose, high ponytail, pulling a few strands out from beside my ears.

I walked back into my bedroom and wondered over to the closet. I hadn't brought many clothes with me. One being that i wasn't aloud much space at the orphanage and the second being that i didn't own many, but i picked out my favourite hoodie and a pair of plain black leggings before slowly making my way down to the kitchen.

Lisa was sat at the table when i pushed open the door. She looked up from the magazine she was reading and greeted me with a warming smile and a soft "good morning" before picking up the magazine.

i scanned through the cupboards before finally finding the cereal, a bowl and a spoon. I picked the milk out of the fridge and as i was about to sit down and eat, whispers and cries came from the living room.


DID THAT MAKE SENSE... IDK?! Anyway, nearly at 100 reads thank you!!! ik thats not a lot to most of you but for my first fan fiction is amazing! Have a great day xox

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