Ch.1 - Crush

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This is a BTS (Bangtan boys)
It's is Jungkook(top) x Yoongi(bottom)

THIS IS YAOI (boy x boy)
R18 in later chapters

Thank you for reading~!
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Yoongi's friend, Ayaka, asked.
She came from Japan, 3 years ago and Yoongi and her have been friends ever since.
"I don't know!! This is where you come in!"
Yoongi yelled, as he threw a pillow at Ayaka.
He had problems, dating problems. He always broke up with his partners, female or male, because he never felt that 'spark'.
He was asking Ayaka for help, since she read LOTS of yaoi from Japan.
"So you met him and...then what?"
She asked again, eating some chips from Yoongi's pantry while reading some yaoi manga.
"I don't know....there was...something I don't know!??"
Yoongi covered his face.
"I think it was that 'spark' you probably like him."
"That's ridiculous. There's no such thing as love at first sight."
Yoongi sighed.
Ayaka turned back to her yaoi manga.
"Woah you're just like the uke's in manga."
She whispered.
"Nothing. Just find him again. Get his number and bond. You know I watched this one BL movie where all you do is bug him and he acts like it's annoying but once you piss him off and leave him alone he starts to realize how much he likes you and-"
Yoongi cut her off before she started fangirling.
"Ok. I'll do that."
Ayaka shoved another chip in her mouth.
Next day
There he is! Yoongi ran to the man he saw yesterday.
He said with a bright smile.
The man looked at him. Yoongi didn't realize before, but this guy looked rich, really rich.
Fancy hairstyle, long coat, expensive pants, white turtleneck. Like one of those Chinese men in the BL movie Ayaka made him watch.
Yoongi shook it off.
"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? I saw you yesterday and just know maybe..."
Yoongi twiddled his thumbs in an unknowingly cute way.
"Anyway, I'm Yoongi!"
The man stared at him for a solid 5 seconds. Observing Yoongi.
Yoongi looked like a typical office worker, which he was.
White, long sleeved button up, dark tie, office pants and some dress shoes. Yoongi had a soft pink blush on his face from the staring.
The man handed Yoongi a paper with his number before holding his hand out for Yoongi's number.
"What's your name?"
Yoongi asked

Jungkook? Sounded familiar...

"Ok see ya later. I was gonna go to the bar after work for a company party."
Jungkook nodded as to say he was going too.
"Ok it's at Red Rose."
Yoongi glanced at his watch, his lunch break was nearly over.
"I gotta go! Bye!!"
He said before leaving Jungkook and returning to his computer.
After work
"So did you see him?"
Ayaka asked curiously as they walked to the bar.
"Yeah. He's going to the party."
"Ooh you invited him? What's his name?"
Ayaka stopped in her tracks.
"What? What is it?!!"
Yoongi started panicking.
"What is it?" Yoongi asked again.
Ayaka looked around, noticing people staring due to her yelling. She grabbed Yoongi's arms and started walking with him, faster.

"That's our boss are you crazy?"
She whispered to him.
No wonder his name was familiar.
"Oh shoot!  I knew he seemed familiar."
"Seemed familiar? Are you kidding? You have to cut ties with him now!"
Ayaka ordered.

"Yeah I guess..."
Yoongi said a little depressed. They reached the bar and walked in.
Ayaka said a little too mischievous.
"You can still date him! And maybe get a raise or something."
"I can't do that!"
"Yeah you can! You like him right? Just go through with the plan from earlier ok?"
Yoongi mumbled a little hesitant.
"Oh come on you already like him."
"Whatever. I don't want to talk about this now."

They reached the table. Jungkook was at the table too.
Yoongi sat next to Jungkook.
"You should have told me you are my boss."
"It's not that simple, just treat me like you would any other person."

'It's not that simple' Yoongi said to himself.
Yoongi doesn't drink well, he gets drunk easily. So he didn't drink much. Only a few sips. Everyone went home. Yoongi rode the train back to his apartment since his car was in the shop.
One month later
After the party at the bar Yoongi stuck to Jungkook like glue whenever he could.
Jungkook started rethinking being Yoongi's friend.
"I'm busy so could you just leave?!"
He snapped for the 5th time that day.
Yoongi replied with the same answer.
"Let me help you!"
Yoongi was done with his work.
For the week.
He really was a fast and efficient worker, thats why the company kept him.
"I don't need your help! GET OUT of my office!"
Jungkook yelled.
It didn't affect Yoongi. All Yoongi genuinely wanted to do was help. He saw the bags under Jungkook's eyes and thought he could use some help.
He grabbed a file from Jungkook's was about to start helping.
"STOP!" Jungkook yelled again. He yanked the file from Yoongi's hands and threw it at Yoongi.

Yoongi didn't think he would snap like this. I mean sure, he did yell at Yoongi earlier but they were playing around and laughed it off later.
"I'm sorry." Yoongi mumbled.
He started picking up the papers until Jungkook yelled again.
He pointed to the door.
He was still Yoongi's boss so he still had to listen.

It's was late already so Yoongi decide to go home.
Ayaka on the other hand had some work to finish so she stayed. He was really sad that Jungkook was mad at him. After all, Jungkook is his little crush.
Yoongi drove to the bar but debated on whether or not to go in.
He was about to leave,
But he saw Jungkook and some....girl?
Jungkook wrapped his arms around the girl and kissed her. The girl kissed back.
(To be continued...)
I was gonna make it a little longer but it started getting to long anyway.
Till then~

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