Ch. 8 - Date

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Bts fanfic.


R18 in other chapters.

First, they moved a couple of Yoongi's things to Jungkook's mansion. Like clothes, bathroom essentials, work stuff, etc. basically the things Yoongi uses in his day to day life since Jungkook wanted Yoongi to live with him.

Then, Jungkook and Yoongi walked around shops and restaurants. They occasionally got a couple of glances and whispers, to which Yoongi hid his face from and Jungkook glared at them for embarrassing his boyfriend.
They walked into a shop and picked out a bunch of clothes that were bound to not fit anyway.

"You wanna catch a movie?" Jungkook asked as they walked out of the shop.
"If you want to. Which one?"
"I don't care." Jungkook shrugged.
"I'm not really into movies." Yoongi sighed.
"Good, cause I'm not either."
They both chuckled before Jungkook spotted something. He grabbed Yoongi's arm and started running towards it, Yoongi struggling to keep up with his short legs.
"What the?" Yoongi struggled to catch his breath.
"Which flavor?" Jungkook pointed at the ice cream shop he ran to. Yoongi certainly looked like a child when his eyes lit up at the sight of ice cream. They spent a little while trying samples and occasionally feeding each other the samples before deciding their flavor.
Yoongi got strawberry, and Jungkook got chocolate.

They walked out the store and went back to walking outside with their ice cream. They shared ice cream, joked around, and bonded some more, realizing they had a lot more in common than they thought.
Jungkook thought he heard someone call his name and looked around.
No one.
(A/N: me with headphones ^^")

"Jungkook!" It was a lot more clear now and closer. Jungkook looked around again. No one.
"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked, concerned for his boyfriend.
"Nothing. I just keep thinking I hear my name being called."
Yoongi hummed as to say 'ok' and of course Jungkook thought it was unbearably cute.
Jungkook snapped back into reality as he found out who was calling him. Hoshi. You must be kidding.

Yoongi shrunk behind Jungkook so he wouldn't have to face her.
"What do you want?"
"I'm your girlfriend, after all. I want a date today."
"Delusional. You're not my girlfriend. I broke up with you and plus I have a boyfriend now." Jungkook stated, holding Yoongi to emphasize his point.
"Yeah not really, what would your parents say about this?"
"I'll tell them when I want."
"How about now? If they say they're fine letting you date a man then I'll leave you alone. BUT! If they're not ok with it, you dump him and date me again!"
Jungkook thought about it. He finished his melting ice cream and threw the cup away before wiping his mouth and kissing Yoongi on the cheek. He turned back to Hoshi.
"Fine then. I'll call them now."
Yoongi's eyes widened in realization. If his parents say no, he could lose Jungkook, and maybe even his job. He knew the risks of this so why was Jungkook doing it?

"Are you crazy?" Yoongi threw his cup away too.
"Calm down." Jungkook began scrolling through his contacts before clicking one and setting it near his ear. Yoongi tugged on Jungkook's arm as too say "What if they say no?"
Jungkook grabbed Yoongi's small hands and rubbed them reassuringly to calm him. Hoshi rolled her eyes at the display.

Jungkook finished his call and looked at Hoshi.
"They'll meet us in that restaurant."
Jungkook pointed at the restaurant a couple of blocks away.

They made their way to the restaurant and settled down to wait for Jungkook's parents. When they got there, Yoongi stiffened up.

Jungkook went on talking to his parents about work stuff before his parents asked who Yoongi was.
This is it.
"This is Yoongi." Jungkook introduced as Yoongi waved.
"He's my boyfriend." Yoongi got up to bow.
"Hello. I'm Min Yoongi." He introduced himself.

Jungkook's parents, for a while, looked like they were shocked as Hoshi smirked, no way they were going to let their son, the heir to their company, date a man, he needs a child to take the company after him.
"That's wonderful!" Jungkook's mother exclaimed.
Now it was Jungkook's turn to smirk. "Are you happy together?" She asked.
"Yes Mom, we're really happy."
Jungkook smiled as Yoongi sat back down.
"So this was the guy you were talking about?" His father asked.
"Wow! I didn't expect him to be this cute!" His mother clapped as Yoongi did his signature gummy smile.
"Oh even cuter!!" She laughed.

I guess Hoshi was wrong. His parents were very accepting.

"Dear, why is she here? I thought you two broke up." Jungkook's mother pointed at Hoshi.
"We did, but she didn't think you would like me dating a man."
"Well as long as your happy."
Jungkook's mother smiled before Hoshi stormed out.
"Well, the food will get cold. Let's eat!" His father exclaimed.

They ate and bonded with Yoongi. Jungkook and his mother were very similar. Always calling him cute and teasing him. The night went surprisingly well now that Yoongi could relax more. Every time Yoongi would smile Jungkook and his mother would pinch his cheeks like a baby. It was comfortable knowing Jungkook's parents knew their relationship. But they knew a little too much.

"So you're using condoms right?"
Jungkook's mother questioned.
"Yes Mom." Jungkook answered, annoyed that the topic was brought up.
"Make sure that he doesn't hurt and-"
"Mom, you're making us all uncomfortable."
"Well, I just want to be sure."
Jungkook looked at his watch.
"It's late. We should probably head back now."
"You're right." Jungkook's parents stood up.
"It was nice meeting you Yoongi, please visit when you have the chance, and let us know when we can visit."
They said their goodbyes and left for their homes.
When they got to Jungkook's mansion, they flopped on the bed together.
"It's relaxing to know your parents accept us."
"Yeah." Jungkook mumbled before turning over to lock Yoongi in a bear hug.
"Ah! Hey! Come on. We need to take a shower!" Yoongi struggled in Jungkook's tight grip.
"Let go! If you let go we can take a shower together."
Jungkook let go immediately, grabbing Yoongi's hand and dragging him in the shower.

Don't worry nothing happened ;)

(To be continued...)

Isn't it nice to know the parents and the ex girlfriend are out of the way?
I'm planning to finish the series later. Probably at Ch.10 but I'm still not sure.
Till then~

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