Chapter Twenty-Two

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We were now arguing about who was staying where since it was only fair that both of us look after the baby and go back to me and Kyle taking Melissa for another day.

I know right the stuggles of having to do this for at least a month well at least I think so anyway.

"What's wrong with meting my parents? And besides they won't care if you stay over. My parents are not like that."

"So your parents seriously don't know what you get up too!"


"Fuck it I don't care your coming to my house. End of"

"No I ain't about f it "

I huff no way I'm getting out this one now.

"You won alright,you num head!"

"I'am perfect in every shape and form so num head doesn't sum me up, the word your looking  for is god looking person."

I was now laughing in the car.Not only is he so full of himself but acatully called himself god looking. Where?

Yes he was good looking but to call yourself god looking now that just impossible. Everyone has there flaws.
His seems to be his brain not all there sometimes. Haha

"Suree, if you say soo." I shrug my shoulder with a smirk on my face.

"How am I suppose to sleep when I have no change of cloths let alone a pair of pjs."



"Yep, surre that happening, welll .."

"Sorry to burst your bubble but my cloths are staying on so" I stick my middle finger out at him he chuckles.

"Well I'm here if you change your mind."

"Wouldn't be changing my mind anyway."I roll my eyes.

We arrive at his house no actually scrap that mansion. Woah it was big. I didn't know he was rich well his parents. I don't think anyone knew really.

His house had a driveway with black steps leading to the front door. There was a gate up front to enter. It was like one of those Morden but Victorian ones at the same time.

I stare at the house it amazement.
"This where you live?" I say picking up Melisa.

"Wow,how are you able to keep a secret like this for so long!" I say louder at the end.

"I bring them to a different house.Not here and prefer if it is kept that way deal?" He spoke with a serious tone lined in his voice along with his face.

I nod"Deal"

I enter Kyle's house behind him. Inside the house was bigger than the outside. Sorry but this is my first time going inside a house like this.

"Like what you see?"

"Wow your house is so lit." I say as I was still looking around.

"Come I will show you where your be sleeping?"

"Ooo so formal Kyle" I laugh at end

He chuckles"well you like it so shut up"

I smirk as I follow him up the stairs.
He leads me to the door and opens it. Kyle steps into the room and I follow.

I just nod my head as I look around"Not bad Mr Fancy" I laugh at the new nickname for him.

"Please anything but that word" he moans

"What word?" I question

"MR FANCY!" He moans louder

I laugh at Kyle childish behaviour. Well this is interesting.

I shrug my shoulders"oh well"

He gives me questioning look.

I don't why he's looking at me like that.



I'm not ready to met his parents and what will happen when they learn he's skip school. Hold up I should be worried about my self. Ha oh my
I'm done for.

I check my phone. Ha

1o messages from Christina.

"Oh my she is probably freaking out right now." I speak out loud.

I'll reply to message after she has finished.

"Kyle!" I shout

"Where are you?" I shout back I was now searching all around the house.

"The match is looking a bit dull"

"Oh" I say.Kyle chuckles.

"Well how was I suppose to know" I pout

"Now you do" he laughs and turn to look at me.

"She's up stairs." Kyle nods after searching around for Mellissa.

Kyle and I turn our heads to screen.

"Beat that!" Kyle smirks 

"I will Jackass" I saying taking the controller and trying to beat his score.

kyle now looks annoyed ha as I just beated his score right now. "Huh, you were saying Mr Fancy?" I smile 

"I said don't call me that Leigh.." Kyle moans 

"OOPS, I guess it skipped my mind." I say as clueless as possible.

"Ha and I have told you to stop calling me babe." I carry on.

"But yet you like though when I do babe." He whispers near my ear 

"You wish baby" He responds

"OO, tempting but your have try harder than that" I whisper back in his ear.

I didn't even know she was crying,so wrapped up in that num head.

"Missy that wasn't very nice then." Kyle says leaning against the door. 

"Oh well thats nice to know Monsoir but I dont care" Sorry but it had to be done.

"Ooo, mamda you trying to speak freanch to me?"

"No its me tryna mix it up abit"

"hmm sexy" Kyle whispers now standing with his hands in his pocket.

"Everything have to be so sexaul with you?" I roll my eyes and burge past him and head 

downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. 

"Not always" Kyles turns around and follows me downstairs.

"You sure about that raising my eyebrow as I do so.

"Yes I'm sure" Kyles chuckle.

I create a sandwhich for Kyle and myself and headinto the livingroom. Leaving Kyle standing there dumfolded.

He shakes his head and follows Leigh they both pick something to watch and sit quitely both wanting to relax for awhile.

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