Chapter 1

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  "Run". That's the last thing I heard before I woke up. I jolted up from my sleep sweating and wheezing. I look at my dresser to my clock. Only 2'o clock. I wonder what that dream was about? I don't really remember anything from it. It's still very early and I have school so I should go back to sleep. Once again I drifted off to sleep, only this time it was dreamless and peaceful. "Makayla, it's time to wake up. You need to get ready for school." I hear mom's voice wake me from my sleep. Gah I'm so exhausted. "Alright, I'm coming mom!" I just shout back. I jump up and rush to get ready. Taking the time to take a quick shower. I put on a pair of faded black jeans and a red long sleeve shirt that clings to me. I hurry up and grab my bag to head down stairs. "Hey, mom I'm ready." I rush out. "Well good,your sisters aren't ready though, and I'm not just dropping you off to come back to get your sisters. I WORK YOU KNOW!" my mom yells at me. What? Where did that come from and why is she yelling at me? All I did was tell her I was ready, I never said drop me off at school. I don't say anything, I just walk to the kitchen to start making some toast. Toast, toast, toast, it's only the best food in the world. Thank you for whoever created such a beautiful, elegant food. 

"Alright! Let's go we are already running late!" Mom yells from the front door. I quickly grab my toast and speed walk to and out the front door before my sisters get there. "Deanna, Zoe hurry up! Mom's in the car waiting!" I yell. Rushing down the stairs to the car, I'm excited but nervous for my first day of 10th grade. Zoe gets to the car and Deanna is last to get here. "So are you ready May? It's your first day of a new high school you're a big girl now." Really? Now I'm a big girl when just yesterday you told me stop acting like a two year old, and throw my favorite stuffed bear away. " Yeah mom, I'm ready. Even though I'm pretty afraid that I might get lost. So if you get a call that I'm missing then you know why." Mom laughs as though I'm joking. "May you're so goofy" mom continues to laugh. I wasn't kidding. "Yeah, ha ha." I force out a laugh. Mom starts talking to Zoe about paying attention in class and not talking so much this year. Deanna's just quite and it's kind of making me nervous. Soon my school in sight. And mom drives up to it. "Have a good day, and make sure you check in at the office since your late" mom yells at me, like I was only a foot away from her. "Yeah okay." I wave my hand in acknowledgement and walk towards the doors. For some reason I'm getting butterflies in my stomach. What if I digest them so that way they leave me alone? Why am I even thinking this? I quickly throw open the doors and walk up to the front desk. The lady glances up at me and then looks back down without saying anything. I stand there and wait for her to acknowledge me, after five minutes of waiting i clear my throat. "Excuse me Miss, I'm new here and I arrived late do you mind giving me my schedule?" I ask politely. The lady simply sighs not even bothering to glance up at me. Erm, I'm pretty sure that she's being rude. It's my first day and it's heading off to a bad start already. Instead of continuing to bother the rude desk slave i walk out of the office and into the school hallways. The school was overflowing with school spirit. The school colors (blue and gray) everywhere, and their mascot, The Mountain Lion, had symbolism everywhere too. I walk down the halls looking at everything and glancing into the windows of a few classrooms. I wonder how fast I could run down the hallways? As soon as the thought enters my mind my legs take my flying down the long hallway, my backpack thumping against my back. Closing my eyes I enjoy the feeling of running swiftly until I run into a wall. "Frick." I grimace as I hold my nose in pain. I look at the wall, well door that I ran. It opened revealing a short and pudgy man with a comb over. He gives me a once over and scowls, "What are you doing here." He demands. Not even minding that the man was glaring at me, I quickly calm myself and try to explain. "Hi, my name is Makayla Hampton and I'm sorta in a predicament sir. The lady at the front.." He cut me off before I was able to finish my sentence. "I see you don't have a schedule, let alone an I.D. therefore you aren't supposed to be here." Before I could get a word in explaining why I didn't have either of those things he grabs my arm and drags me inside of the classroom. Once we get to the front near his desk he turns to address his class, "Class finish your work I need to deal with something." He turns and looks at me. "Don't move I'm calling security." He let's me go and grabs the phone sitting in his desk and begins dialing. I could very easily run away. But where would I go is the question. I look at the class to see them staring back at me. Various emotions are on everyone's face, but the one that everyone seems to agree with is disgust. Wha.. Why is everyone so rude here. First the rude office lady, then this teacher, now an entire class full of people I don't even know. Like come on people get to know me first. Crossing my arms I look away confused at why I'm hated on my first day. The teacher grabs my arm again and begins to pull me out into the hallway. Why the heck is he being so mean, not a very nice teacher at all who peed in his fruit loops this morning. I try to resist being pulled so that way he would let go. Instead the short man just dragged me along, the bell rang releasing hordes of teenagers into the hallway. They parted and stared at the teacher dragging me and I tried and failed at resisting. I look around, not necessarily for help, well maybe a little. I only again got weird looks ranging from a bunch of different emotions, from curiosity to again disgust. What's with these people and their looks of disgust. Like I'm some dog poop they just stepped in. Finally, we reached the front office where Mr. Pudgy shoved me through the doors. "Where's the principal? I want to know how he allowed this to happen." Mr. Pudgy started yelling. "Calm down Mr. Rowington, Principal Left is talking with the Alp..a student right now." The office lady said in a shrill voice. Thank god she didn't talk earlier I might have suffered from brain damage. Like I'm suffering now. A door abruptly opened, and two men walked out neither of them held a smile on their faces. I looked at the taller of the two and was instantaneously enchanted by his rugged angelic looks. He easily towered over me, but then again everyone could. From where I was standing his eyes looked green like a deep forest of evergreen trees. His hair was a deep black that reminded me of the midnight sky, it was a moderate length and looked silky. His face was one of a model and don't even get me started on his body. I drag my eyes back up to his face and our eyes meet. In that moment in time it felt like everything stopped, like we were the only two people in the entire universe. And I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed that feeling. Mr.Rowington started shouting again, so I reluctantly pulled my eyes away from the mystery guy. "Principal Left why did you allow this to happen?!" He started yelling

He grabbed my arm, I assume to shake me to emphasize who he was referring to, when the beautiful man I had locked eyes with started growling. Did he just growl? Like an animal, what the... I didn't get to finish my thought when I was snatched out of Mr. Rowington's grasp. I was being embraced by the stranger, but weird enough my body didn't mind it at all, in fact I had tingles and sparks everywhere he was touching. Relaxing in his arms I hugged him back much to my own confusion. We held each other until I was gently pushed back by him, he looked at me with questioning eyes I could tell he was waiting for an explanation.

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