Chapter 2

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I look down suddenly not wanting to explain. What if he thinks it's stupid...what if he thinks I'm stupid. Instead of dwelling on my thoughts I start to explain to him, "Well...I got here late first of all, then after that I came in to obtain my schedule and a late pass. But instead the desk sla...I mean lady ignored me quite rudely may I add. So since I noticed she wasn't going to offer any assistance I left and went into the hallway with the intentions of finding someone who would help me. I sort got side tracked while on my quest." I smile remembering the thrill of running down the empty hallway before I collided with a door. "I then ran into Mr. Rowington and he grabbed me and things happened and now we are here." I finish and look at the guy. I wanted to know his thoughts for whatever reason, wait why should I even care what his thoughts are. He's a student like me right, that's what the lady said anyhow. The principal sighed and looked at the lady, "Miss. Hills is this true?" He asks her, instead of answering she simply nods. The principal again sighs and gestures me towards his office. The guy follows behind me, I don't say anything not knowing his role in what's going on it wouldn't be appreciated if I questioned things. When we get in his office the Principal takes a seat behind his desk and I sit in a chair that's in front of it, the guy whom name I still don't know stands near the door. "Okay, if you're new then you must be Makayla. You're the only new student we were expecting." Once he says that he prints something off his computer and hands it to me. Examining it I noticed it was my schedule for the trimester,

1st hour- AP American Literature room (G190)

2nd hour- AP Chemistry room (Sci 30)

3rd hour- Child Development room (BC210)


4th hour- Choir room (FA 88)

5th hour- AP Calculus room (Maths 69)

6th hour- AP World History room (A97)

Satisfied with my schedule my brain barely registered anything the principal might have said before I was pushed out of his office and the front desk area into the hallway. Assuming it was maybe 3rd hour right about now I begin to head off to there before I felt a hand and sparks at my shoulder. Looking behind me I see the handsome guy giving me a mega watt smile, the kind that makes girls panties drop and their pussies weep. " I can show you to your 3rd hour class since we share it." He says staring at my schedule. I nod my head, when we start walking he grabs and holds my hand leading me down the hallway. This school is really weird, first everyone seems to hate me or look down at me for no reason. Now this guy that I just met I feel attracted to....which isn't like me at all. And now we are holding hands walking down the hallway, if this isn't the weirdest day of my life ever. As I was lost in my thoughts I didn't notice we were in front of the classroom door until I hear the guy chuckle. I snatch my hand out of his, my face turning slightly red from embarrassment. I open the door and walk into the class without a plan on how i was going to explain to the teacher of the class why I was so late and who I was. Turns out I didn't nee to the lady who was standing in the front of the classroom simply pointed to a seat in the back and gave me a look that said have a seat. I sit down like she wanted and I start to take my supplies out and lay them neatly on the desk, before I got a chance to open my notebook a crumbled up piece of paper comes flying and hit me on the side of my head. I grab it and open it up, 'FREAK' it said in all caps.....nice. The last bell of the day rang and I quickly raced out of the World History classroom like I was on fire and hellhounds were after me. My day sucked, the incident with the note accrued more frequently throughout the day. At lunch I wasn't able to get a seat at the table and that was only after some kid bumped into me making me drop all my food. I never even got to get the name of the guy that was in my 3rd hour class. Trying to avoid running into to anyone I safely made it outside where the buses were waiting for students to get on. Instead of getting on the bus I start walking home. Well, at least I won't have to deal with any of them until Monday at least. Smiling at that thought I make my way home skipping and dancing around.

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