Chapter 16 (americas POV)

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Okay so thanks for reading I left you at quite a bad part to leave a person so I am going to just get started...

chapter 16

(Americas POV)

I felt like I was in the back of this truck for about an hour now... We must be going really far from the castle... I hope Maxon can still find us... MAXON, I totally forgot about him! I didn't know that being abducted could make people think of other things than their temporary/permanent boyfriend....I wonder if he's okay... I wonder if he's noticed I'm missing yet.

I wish he was like Aspen in a way, to know me well enough to have styed in the room until I fell asleep, but in a way it's good...I can get to Celia and maybe we can plan up an escape plan, I just need to come up with a way so I know which direction to run... Suddenly the truck jerked to a stop, my head hit the side of the truck, "Ow!" I grunted, the rebels laughed. Oh if I didn't have this bag over my head they were in trouble.

They picked me up really fast and dropped me on the ground. me knees scrapped the rock road. I needed to do something to mark what direction to go in... Then I got an idea, the bracelet my mom gave me when I was thirteen, it has stones on it instead of diamonds because we couldn't afford much.... I quickl slipped it off my wrist, none of the rebels seemed to notice,

They heaved me up off the ground, "WALK!" one of the men demanded me I did, but I stumbled a little on the rocky road, finally I reached the secret location. They ripped the bag off my head, I looked around, it was still night so I could only make an outline of a small hut, the rebels pushed me through door and inside there were more rebels, playing cards, smoking cigars, and drinking alcohol. In the corner of the room there was a small jail cell. Before the rebels could even try to escort me I raced toward it, there was a small figure crumpled up in the corner, "Celia, Celia... I'm here, It's me America!" I whispered through the bars. The rebels stuck the key in the bars, it opened.

They threw me in, I raced to Celia stumbling a little, I shock her arm lightly, "Celia ,I'm here..." she sat up slowly, she winced in pain and turned to face me, she frowned a little, "they got you too..." She said, I nodded, "but there's something else to it... Right after you were taken they found out someone from inside the palace sent the rebels and it was set up as a search and retrieve mission... We still don't know who though..." I told her, she cupped her hand over her mouth," I can't believe it... Why would they want to send me away? I didn't do anything to anyone!!!"she exclaimed. "America, we need to get out of here." I nodded, before anything happens to us. I thought.

I stood up slowly trying not to draw attention to myself. "Excuse me... We need to speak with your leader..." I said trying to sound bold. One of the drunk rebels answered back. "You can't she's busy winning over Maxons heart." So now I knew it was a girl not a palace guard. Okay I don't need to push my luck, I slowly sat back down with Celia. Then one of the rebels I havent seen before walked into the room, alright guys time to pack up! the rebels all left the room and they flick a few switches before leaving, i saw a faint glow of lasers go one outside the cage. my hands grabbed the bars to pull myself up and I got shocked badly i fell back, then a sign lit up at the front door it read; Alarm ON. We might be here longer than I anticipated....

Tell me whose POV to use Next!!!! Thanks!!!!

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