Chapter 8

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When Macie, Jesse, and I are alone in the halls, Macie asks, "Rob did that? Why?"
I hesitate. Well, this is going to be a fun explanation. Not. "Well, I don't know if you know the legends about your father-"
"I do," Macie interrupts. "Jesse told me."
I glance at the boy, who remains silent. Great, a shy kid. This is going to be interesting. The amount if crap he's going to get for that...
"Then you've heard about the reason he fell from Heaven? And the story of Adam and Eve?"
Macie nods. "Yep."
"Well, there's sort of something missing there," I tell her. "When your father fell from Heaven, it wasn't just because he hated humanity. It was because he told God that he made the serpent in the garden that convinced Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, but it was really Michael. God didn't know that, though, so he sent your father to Hell anyway. Well, the topic came up again last week, and Rob is God, so he found out. Lucifer began a rant about everything wrong with humanity, and Rob got mad that he was talking back, so he did... That. Then he stormed off and we haven't heard from him since."
Macie's silent for a moment before saying, "Wait, Rob is God?"
I nod. "Yep."
"But he's so... Not godlike."
"That's what I thought!" I agree.
"Is he ever coming back to help Dad?" Macie asks hopefully.
"I don't know," I reply. "I hope so, but you can't really predict what God is going to do, you know?"
"Yeah, I guess," she agrees.
It gets quiet, so I turn to the boy by her side. "Hey, Jesse?"
"Yes?" he replies politely. He's going to be pretty surprised when he sees how not polite everyone is.
"Tip for future reference; Lucifer doesn't really like getting close to people, so if it seems like he doesn't like you, it's nothing personal. He doesn't really like anyone."
Jesse nods once. "Noted."
"I hope you realize no one in this entire building is as quiet as you, except maybe Cas, and the hell you're gonna get for that..." I whistle as emphasis on how much teasing they're going to put him through.
"I don't like the sound of that," he says with a slightly nervous chuckle.
"I would have thought they would tease him for being a demon, not being quiet," Macie says.
I look at Jesse in surprise. "You're a demon?"
He nods. "Yep."
"But you're so... Nice!"
He chuckles. "Well, we come in different forms."
"You're going to regret that very soon," I inform him.
"Well, we'll see."
"Let's go see everyone else!" Macie says excitedly. "I never really acknowledged their existence yet."
"Alright, come on," I say, leading them back to the secret hideout. Well, it isn't really a hideout. And it's not really secret, compared to the building in general. It's still our secret hideout, though.
All conversations everyone had been having stop immediately when Macie, Jesse, and I step in the crowded room. It instantly becomes silent, which is a very rare occurrence with this group.
"Why's no one talking?" Macie asks. "Someone's always talking. This is weird."
"To be fair, we're all weird, so it's still sort of in character," Osric says.
"I see where you're coming from, but no, not at all," Macie replies. "Start talking again! I don't like it being quiet."
No one says anything.
"Okay, what were you guys talking about before?" Macie asks.
"Mostly wondering who that guy is," Richard says finally, pointing at Jesse.
"Oh, that's my boyfriend," Macie tells them. She introduces everyone in the room briefly.
"You forgot Jace!" Osric tells her, holding up his kitten.
Macie laughs. "And that's Jace," she finishes.
"You have a boyfriend?" Crowley repeats.
Macie nods. "Mm-hmm," she confirms.
"Aren't you a bit young for that?"
"No, I'm not! Why is everyone saying that?"
"Because you're eighteen days old!" Crowley reminds her.
"You're not my dad. You can't tell me what to do," she replies.
"And your dad was okay with this?" Crowley says in disbelief.
"When's my dad ever okay with things?"
Crowley chuckles. "Yeah, true."
Suddenly, Mark appears, smiling. "Hey, Macie!"
"You seem different," Macie says.
"Yeah, cuz I'm visible," Mark replies. "To everyone. Now you don't have to be my translator!"
"But the reason I came home was to tell everyone you said things you didn't!" Macie jokingly complains.
"Wow, Macie. Really feeling the love here," Mark replies sarcastically, but he's grinning.
"Love? What love?" Macie says with a smirk.
"Great. Love you, too," he says in a monotone voice, but the grin he had been suppressing returns, and it's clear he knows it's a joke.
"Is no one going to point out that Macie and Bailey are now basically the same age?" Jensen observes.
"And I'm taller!" Macie adds proudly.
"Not for long!" I reply, jumping on top of the bed for added height.
"Because that's gonna work," Macie says sarcastically, then begins floating. It starts slow, but one flap of her wings, and she's instantly right below the ceiling. "I'm still taller!"
"Since no one else is going to ask this, I will," Jared says. "When did you get wings?"
I hadn't realized everyone could see them. I guess they're different that an angel's in more ways than their color.
"Week and a half ago, give or take," Macie replies as we both return to the floor. "I forgot you guys didn't know that. Otherwise, I would have made it more dramatic."
"I think seeing a human butterfly appear through a portal was dramatic enough," Osric says.
"Okay, enough about the wings," Crowley says. "I'm still hung up over the fact that you have a boyfriend."
"Especially because he's a demon," Castiel adds.
"Wait, you're a demon?" Jensen repeats in surprise. "Macie, you're dating a demon? You can't date a demon!"
"Why not?" Macie challenges.
"Because he's a demon!"
"Dad didn't care he was a demon," Macie informs him wth a smug look.
"Could Lucifer even see him?" Jensen asks. "He's like, half dead. Did he even look?"
"Yes," Macie replies confidently, before adding after a pause, "Probably."
"I think Lucifer would rather she date a demon than a human," Ruth says. "Didn't we just establish that he doesn't like humans?"
"Oh, true," Jensen agrees.
"Jesse passes the species test," Jared adds.
Macie groans. "Seriously, guys? You're going to 'test' him?"
"Well, Lucifer's in no position to do it himself," Jensen says.
"How about no one does?" Macie suggests.
"But we need to make sure he's okay," Jared protests.
"And the fact that he's yet to say anything is making this very hard," Osric adds.
"I wouldn't want to rig the vote," Jesse replies.
"Well, if you don't say anything, how do we know you're not some loser?" Jared challenges.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."
"Wow, quoting presidents?" Jared observes. "Nice."
"Presidents?" Jensen repeats. "I thought it was Mark Twain."
"Wasn't it a Bible quote?" Ruth asks.
"Welcome to tonight's episode of 'Ask Jesse!'" Osric says as if he's a game show host. "Well, it's not really night, but you get the point. The question of the day is: Where does that quote come from?"
"I've heard all three, but as someone who doesn't make a habit of following famous people and listening to everything they say, I don't know. I don't think anyone does."
"A-plus on not being a stalker," Jensen says.
"Let's Google it," Osric suggests, pulling out his phone to do so without waiting for an answer. We all wait in dramatic silence until Osric says, "I'm seeing Lincoln and Twain, but no bible verse." He looks back at Jesse. "Two out of three. That's a sixty-six, which is, like, a D. You failed!"
"Actually, it's sixty-six point six repeating, and being a demon, I think the six six six is very fitting," Jesse replies.
"Changed my mind. A-plus for that," Osric says, applauding him.
"Are we done interrogating Jesse?" Macie asks.
"Sure," Jensen says before turning back to Jesse. "You failed."
"Jensen!" Macie whines.
"That logic is very flawed, but okay," Jesse says. "And what, exactly, does failing entail?"
"It means get out and go away," Jensen replies.
"Well, I'm going to stay here anyway, so..."
Jensen grins. "Good answer. Final test over. You passed."
Macie facepalms at that. "I bet you weren't like this when my parents got together," she huffs.
"Of course not," Jensen replies. "The devil falls in love, you're gonna make sure they get together and stay together."
"Oh, but the devil's daughter, that's way different," Macie says sarcastically.
"Uh, yeah, it is," Jared replies.
Macie rolls her eyes. "Alright, whatever. I'm just gonna take Jesse away before he decides everyone here is insane."
"If he hasn't figured that out by now, it won't take long," Osric says. "We're craaazyyyyyyy!"
"I don't know any of you," Macie says before taking Jesse by the arm and forcefully dragging him out of the room. I can hear his faint laughter as the two of the leave. If Macie thinks this is bad, just wait until Lucifer gets him alone.

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