Chapter 14

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Gabriel and I meet up with the group at some night club. Apparently, they've been hopping clubs for the last few hours, and decided to hang out in a dark, overcrowded, very loud room for a while. Why this is their idea of fun, I will never know. Although, I suppose Gabriel and I had fun last time we were out partying.
As Gabriel teleports us to the club, he changes our clothes into something fancier. I find myself in a short, skimpy dress, my hair suddenly curled and half up. I glare at Gabriel, who just laughs.
"You look great," he assures me. When I don't stop glaring at him, he puts his hands up in mock surrender. "Okay, fine, fine." He snaps his fingers, and I'm wearing a much more appropriate dress.
"Thank you," I say.
"Wait, one more thing," he says before snapping his fingers again. Suddenly, my hair is in some fancy up do that I can't see. I don't bother telling him to change it; it'll be easier to deal with my hair when it's up.
We walk into the club, and my eyes land on Jensen and Castiel. They're standing in a far corner, with Jensen attempting to console his frightened boyfriend. The irony of a deadly angel being afraid of a night club is not lost on me.
"Hey, look, it's Jared!" Gabriel says excitedly. "Come on!"
He grabs my hand on leads me to Jared, who's dancing around with Osric. When we finally reach them, I'm pretty sure my arm is dislocated, but it's worth it to see the smile on Jared's face when he sees Gabriel.
"So what's up with Lucifer?" Osric asks me after a quick hello.
"Gabriel was trying to fix Lucifer's wings," I tell him. "Very painfully."
"Is he okay?" Osric asks.
I shrug. "He claims he is." I don't believe it for a second, but he claims he is.
"Hey, where's Matt?" Osric asks, looking around.
"Michael stayed back with Lucifer," I explain.
"I thought Lucifer hated him," Osric says.
I shrug. "Not anymore."
Honestly, I don't think Lucifer ever hated his brother. He was clearly mad at Michael about what happened to Macie, but he never hated the angel. No matter what, they'll always share their brotherly love. Lucifer will always need Michael. He was the first person Lucifer asked for when he was in pain. Michael was the one that he wanted, and not because he thought the angel could help him. It's because he loves his brother, whether he wants to or not.
During my long thought process, Jensen drags a nervous Castiel over to us. Castiel is looking around the club, a frightened expression on his face. I can't help but smile to myself at his unreasonable fear of people. (A/N Wait, am I writing about Castiel or myself?)
"Bailey, where's Matt?" Jensen asks me.
"Michael stayed back at the bunker with Lucifer," I explain.
"Good," Jensen replies, surprising me. "Hey, Bailey, we've got to talk."
I cock my head in confusion. "About what?"
"Hold on," Jensen says. He pulls out his phone and types something briefly. Soon, the entire previously spaced out group is here. My eyes land on my daughter, and I know I've got some parenting to do.
"What the hell are you wearing?" I demand.
Macie rolls her eyes. "It's called a dress, Mom. People wear dresses to these things."
I look at her dress, if it can even be called that. It's more like a tank top, it's so short. And the neckline is so low, too. This is worse than the dress Gabriel tried to get me to wear, and that's really saying something.
"That is not a dress," I reply. "That's a shirt."
"Look around! Everyone wears dresses like this!" she whines.
"If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?" I counter, being a total cliche.
She groans. "Fine. What do you want me to do? Should I get changed in the middle of a crowded building? I'm sure that won't look weird."
"Macie," Jesse says in a low voice, so quiet I can barely hear it. "Stop sassing your mom."
"Jesse!" Macie whines.
"Fine. Wear it for tonight, but that's it," I tell her.
"Enough about wardrobe choices," Jensen says. "We have actual stuff to talk about."
"You've got to break up with Matt," Jared finishes.
"What?" I say in surprise. "Why?"
"Because you're supposed to be with Lucifer!" Osric tells me.
"What's going on right now?" I ask, not sure what they're getting at.
"They're right," Gabriel tells me. "You and Lucifer need to get back together. You guys are my OTP. Break up with Matt and get back with Luce."
"Why should I be with Lucifer instead of Matt?" I challenge.
"Because you're meant to be together!" Ruth insists.
"Even I know that," Crowley adds.
"Besides, you've got a kid," Macie adds. "And a few days ago, you two were, like, the perfect couple. What happened?"
"Yeah, why'd you break up?" Jensen asks.
"And then do the opposite and get back together," Jared adds.
"Can't really do that," I say. "He broke up with me, not the other way around."
"What?" Everyone says in surprise. Well, Jesse doesn't. He never knew us as a couple anyway.
"Why?" Jensen asks. "He loves you. Why would he...?"
"Because he did," I reply, my voice emotionless. "Look, guys. It's over. Stop it."
"We will stop it," Jared agrees. "We will stop your breakup and convince you that you love Lucifer way more than you love Matt."
"No dip, Sherlock," I reply.
"Wait, you know you'd rather be with Lucifer?" Osric says, confused.
I nod.
"Then why are you dating Matt?" Jensen asks.
"Because Lucifer wanted me to," I tell them.
"Lucifer told you to go out with Matt," Jensen repeats skeptically.
"Yes, he did."
"Why the hell did he do that?" Jensen asks.
"Because he's Lucifer," I reply. "He does weird stuff that doesn't make sense."
"But you love him, and he obviously loves you," Jared says. "Go and tell him that you're not going to date Matt because you would rather be with him."
I sigh. "Guys, it's nice of you to try and help us out, but it's done. Drop it."
"I will never stop it!" Gabriel says proudly.
"Then I'll leave, and you'll have to."
Gabriel scoffs. "You think you can get away from me? I'm a freaking angel. I don't even have to walk to keep up with you."
I sigh. This is going to be a long night.

After a few hours of silence, Lucifet decides to try to move. He moves his arm to support himself as he sits up, but even the slight movement of his shoulder blades hurts his back. He whimpers quietly, unable to help himself.
Michael's head snaps up when Lucifer whimpers. "What's wrong?" he asks.
"Everything," Lucifer mutters. He moves his arm more, biting back a scream as he tries to move it to a position to help him sit up.
"Don't move yet," Michael warns him.
Lucifer ignores him and tucks his arm under his stomach, letting out another whimper. He moves his other arm to the same position, and Michael watches in a nervous silence. Lucifer pushes himself up slightly, but the pressure between his shoulder blades causes him to stop, the pain becoming unbearable.
"Seriously, Lucifer, don't," Michael warns. "Give it a few weeks."
"Weeks?" Lucifer repeats. "I'm not waiting a few weeks."
"Days?" Michael tries again.
"I'm not waiting a few days, either," Lucifer replies.
Michael sighs. "Well, you always were a bit impatient."
"Damn right I was," Lucifer agrees proudly. He attempts to push himself into a sitting position, but it hurts too much and he gives up. "Then again, I've always been pretty lazy. I'm just gonna stay down here."
Michael looks down at his brother, amusement in his eyes. "Good idea." They lapse into silence again, broken this time by Michael as he says, "I thought you and Bailey were close. Now she is with Matt?"
Lucifer sighs at the topic. "You know, being quiet is fun. Let's be quiet and enjoy it!"
"Is this topic off limits?" Michael asks.
"Yes," Lucifer replies as if it wasn't clear. He really doesn't want to talk about telling Bailey to go out with someone else. It was probably the hardest thing he's done, but it will be better for both of them in the long run. Bailey will get to have some semblance of a normal relationship, and Lucifer can hopefully lessen the pain of losing her in a few decades, which is nearly nothing to an angel. It's worth it, he's sure. So why's it so hard to convince himself he did the right thing?

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