What Could It Mean

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"HAHAHAHAHAHA." My eyes quickly open, blood circled all around them. I get up, still in my bed. "HAHAHAHA," I hear a voice yell. It wasn't real laughing, more of a mockery. It came from the door to my right, the door shut lock.

"What the heck." I get off my bed slowly and begin to walk towards the door. 

"You piece of shit, you're such a horrible lover," the voice said. The voice sounded familiar, and as I got closer and closer tot he door I became afraid of who or what I would find. I turned the knob and opened the door slowly but surely, and behold! It was my wife, or my ex-wife to be exact, all tied up in a dark room, her long black hair all frizzy and disheveled. 

"Mariah, what's all this?" I said. I thought she was dead, there was really no way she could be in this room right now.

"Come save me babe, please, before he comes," Mariah said, her voice a higher pitch, as she began to pout and her eyes water. I ran to her.

"Who babe? What's going on?" I asked as I touched her arm. just then, her arm lit up with what seemed to be a huge red bow vertically going along it. "What's going on?" I once again asked as I backed away. It was then Mariah began to cry profusely. I paused, everything was so surreal. "Babe what happened? Who did this?"

She suddenly stopped crying. She then looked up and froze, her face becoming a cold death pale. "You did this you dumb fuck, you're the reason I'm dead, you couldn't love me right because you loved that other dumb bitch!" she screamed, her voice low and deep. It almost resembled a demonic possession. As she spoke, great winds blew me back, my hands covering my face as the winds pierced through my skin. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA," she continued. 

"Stop," I yelled as I ran to her and grabbed her arm. It was then the bow on her arm got really bright red. 

"Nooooooo," she screamed, her voice getting even deeper and more demonic. Then suddenly, the light became so bright it temporarily blinded me as her arm exploded, blood all over my hands, face and arms. I quickly looked at my hands, my eyes dilated.

"Mariah!!" I yelled, except this time I was in my room, in a cold sweat, with Giovanni in front of me.

"Bro you ok?" Giovanni asked, his mouth slightly left open. 

"Yeah, just a bad dream," I said, pausing to inhale and exhale with every word I said. 

"What happened," Giovanni asked, stepping toward my bed and then stopping short. 

"I can't remember," I lied, as I looked down at my hands, causing me to gasp for air even more. 

"Oh, well if you need anything, water, food, I got you," Giovanni stated. "You sure you ok?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it, I'm fine," I assured him. 

"You sure."

"Yeah, I'll get up soon anyway," I then paused. "Wait, what time is it anyway?" I asked.

"10:00," Gio said and then stopped. "Don't you got work in an hour," he finished. 

"Shit! I do," I said as I threw the sheets off me and began speed walking to the bathroom. As I looked back at Gio, I noticed a wet spot on his boxers. "Looks like you had a good time while I was having a nightmare," I said as I began to smirk.

"Huh?" Gio said as he looked down to where I was looking. "Oh shit, it's not what you think," he said as he quickly covered his crotch. 

"Uh huh," I said as I entered the bathroom and closed the door. "Nasty ass," I said as I yelled from inside. I then began turning on the shower. It was then I heard him speed walk to his room and quickly lock the door. He must have been going for a round two. 

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