Part 1:The sheepish code

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Dear Diary    

Actually, I will call you Terror.

Lets try again.

Dear Terror

Ah, thats better

I am a sheep. I am the son of the guy in the red.  I do not come from your time line or world, but Rather a parralel world. In this world, we have a religion everybody follows. it is called Nasarene(Nass-Uhh-ray-nay). ill explain Nasarene(which i will now abreviate as 'N') in the next diary Entry.

In this world, everything is based off of this religion. Even basics such as the food you eat, is Determined by it. My name is Jerry, and my best freind is Juan, but I can't tell you about him Right now. In this world, we are all one gender, and mating ceases to exist.

That is all I have to say for now. see you tomarrow Terror.


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