Hermione Granger

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   "Dare," I said. Ron and Harry has often teased me about shying away from new things. Who could say that I want brave now, especially when facing this hulk of a man?
    "Get licked by Mulch."
    I froze. Was he serious? Was this code for something else? Please, Merlin, make this be a code.
     Mulch grimaced, "Lick her? You ready to be luminescent, Know-it-All?"
    I bristled at the Know-it-All comment, but nodded it what I hoped wasn't a trembling fashion. Mulch came towards me and I grimaced. The smell of him was horrible from this distance. Being licked by him would be absolutely terrible. I braced myself.
He stuck out his tongue and licked me, leaving a putrid smelling, light-up stripe up my side. I sink appeared in the room - thank GOD. I rushed over and cleaned myself, even while knowing that the smell probably wouldn't wash out for weeks.
Once I had finally cleaned myself enough I turned to Grover.
"Truth or Dare?"
I give up. Short chapters it is.

Truth or Dare: Artemis Fowl, Percy Jackson, Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now