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Rebecca run headed towards Lauren,April and Claire . She can't wait to tell the others about what she had planned

R:Hey girls ! You want to know what ? Let's go having some fun !!

A:Wait wha?

L:Is something wrong ?

C:Yea , just because our school had 2 months holiday and she's acting crazy

Rebecca making a fierce face and mad about Claire's word

R:Its not that im crazy ! You dummy ! Just Listen what I have to say

Lauren,April and Claire listen carefully what she want to said

R:We're going to holiday at ... Hawaii !!

Rebecca is jumping around with excited

A:YAY must be that happy huh?

C:Sure why not? Our school will holiday for 2 months and waiting our result to enter a University .. I will ask my parents first

L:Me too ! I want !

A:Yeah .. I'll think I'll go

Rebecca eyes is filled with tears because she happy that her friends all agree

R:You girls are the best !

The holiday is just began . April is laying down at the bed and think what she want to do , she took her phone and call Lauren

A:Lauren !

L:Yes?Why call me suddenly ..?

A:I'm pregnant!

L:REALLY FUNNY April. Cut it out.

April laughs.

A:Yeah im just kidding. I was bored so I had to call you.

L:Ohhh ....

A:I dont know Lauren but i have a weird feeling about going to the holiday

L:Dont be like that ! You said you want to met the hottest guy and find a boyfriend !


L:Just ignore that feeling okay . Trust me .


4 of them should met at the airport on 12 December . Rebecca is the one who first arrived

R:Ugh ! Where are they ?!

C:Rebecca ! We're over here

R:Hey ! What took you all so long?

L:Sorry hehe ..

R:Now let's goo !

4 of them are going to hawaii . Waiting for a few hours to arrive at Hawaii and finally arrive at 7:10 pm at evening . They going to hotel and take a rest for tommorow .

Tommorow morning~

A:Hey lauren , wake up !! It's morning ~~ It's beach time 

Lauren is half awake 

L:Geeezz , okay okay ... 

Lauren is finally awake and take a bath . April and Lauren are getting ready for they first holiday .  Rebecca and Claire go to April and Lauren room to see what they doing . 

*knock!* *knock!*

R:Open the door!

C:Calm down becca .. 

L:We about to out now because we're already ready !

R:Kay , Faster !

April and Lauren finally headed out of the room 

A:We're ready!

R:Good .. Let's go! 

C:Where we goin?

R:We're going to sea ! 

L:Uhh ... What ? 

R:C'mon .. The boat should be there now

Rebecca grab Claire's hand and walk towards lift and enter the lift also April and Lauren just follow them from behind. Claire is wondering where is Rebecca want to take them to holiday . they . They grab a taxi and go to beach 

C:Its a beach ! But i forgot to bring my swimsuit 

R:We're here not to go swim okay!

A:Then what the hell you bring us here?

L:Maybe she want to fishing ! 

R:You girls will know if I tell you on the boat 

L:Just tell us here .. Please?

R:NO!NO and NO! C'mon see the boat man is right there waiting for us now ..!

C:Are you sure ? This is not dangerous things you do?

R:Trust me!

A:I hope soo ..

4 of them run towards the boat man and the boat told them to enter the boat . The boat man brought them far away from the beach now . Claire is scared what is Becca doing .

C:What are you planning for ? 

Claire's whispering Becca

R:We're goin to a mystery island


R:I told this man to bring us there because he knew that place also I told him we're millionares 

C:Are you crazy?!

A:What island you're talking about 

R:You will see it

L:Oooooh..! Can't wait

Then they saw a big island . Rebecca is getting excited 

R:That's the island!

C:Becca ! You must be crazy..! 

A:There's no way i'll go there and it's look creepy!

Boat man:You're all gonna be careful cause I heard a vampire lives there 

L:V-vampire? Are they real?!

R:Quit it! Don't say scary stuff here ! 

Then they arrive that mystery island that Rebecca told about . They get off the boat and look they surrounding and it's look creepy . 

B:Stand right where you are!

The boat man holding a gun and point it towards Lauren


R:What are you doing?!

Boat man:I heard you're all millionares and hand me your money 

C;Good job Becca ...

R:No! W-we dont have money and we don't bring money !

Boat man:Well then , i'll give you some few days .. If you all find treasure please bring it to me .. 

A;Treasure? Where to find them?

Boat man:There's a castle .. If you all want to get out then bring a treasure .. 

The boat man leaves them at island immedeatly . They stuck on island ! What would they fate on the island ?

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