▨ Chapter 4 | Crisis ▨

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"Why? What happen there?" You asked panicked.

"Akutagawa is paying a visit there. Kunikida, Kenji and Yosano were out for a mission while Tanizaki and Naomi are out," Dazai answered.

"Akutagawa?! Why?! What about Ranpo?" Atsushi tone raised in anger.

"I don't know. Let's get there, fast." Dazai said and took the paper bag from your hand.

"For safety," Dazai explained.

The three of you sprinted back to the agency. When you're almost there, gunshots can be heard. Atsushi gritted his teeth and ran faster into the building followed by Dazai.

Just as you're about to enter the building, the windows at the second floor shattered. You dodged the ones that were flying to you.

'Oh! I can't believe that I can evade that!' You gasped in surprise. Someone came out of the window next and landed on the ground. It was Akutagawa.

"Isn't this great? It's like killing two birds with one stone," Akutagawa said and coughed a little. You were too afraid of moving and actually stood at there.

"Wha- what do you want from me?!" You shouted.

"Have you really forgotten about me?"

"Do I even know you?"

Akutagawa's eyes widened upon your words.

"[L/n]-san!" Atsushi shouted and stood in front of you in a defensive stance. Akutagawa clicked his tongue.

"Move it!" Akutagawa ordered and his Rashoumon appeared and attacked Atsushi. Atsushi managed to grabbed the Rashoumon with his tiger hands. But Atsushi wasn't strong enough to handle it and he was pushed aside to the wall, creating a crack at it.

"Atsushi!" You cried out and ran towards him but was stopped by Akutagawa as he captured your hand and you struggled.

"It's me, Ryuunosuke! I'm your-"

"No, she isn't yours anymore." Dazai said calmly, went out of the building and to you.

"Dazai-san," Akutagawa called.

"Get out from here. Or we'll do it the hard way," Dazai ordered.

"Hmph," Akutagawa turned away. "I'll come and get you next time, [y/n]," He said and went away.

"Atsushi!" You ran and helped the weretiger to stand up. He was bleeding a little on his head due to the impact earlier.

"I'm okay," Atsushi said. He tried to stand up but he was wobbling as if he was dizzy. You tried to carry him but.. Well... You seriously don't have the strength to do so.

"I'll carry him," Dazai offered his help and you nodded. He carried the injured boy up the building. Dazai brought Atsushi to the infirmary room while you went and find for Ranpo since you didn't see him at all.

You entered the office and saw that Ranpo was during lazily in his chair. His leg was put on the table and his hands were behind his head. The windows of that room were broken. How on earth can he stay so calm?

"Ah, [y/n]-chan. You're back," Ranpo said cheerfully.

'How can he be so cheerful? Didn't Akutagawa enter here earlier?'

"So, where's my sweet?"

You rummaged your pocket and gave them to him. He was smiling like a cat and held the sweets with two hands. But when he see the sweets, he frowned.

"Only this much?" He asked.

"Uh.. Yeah. You said 20 sweets right?"

"Fine... " he pouted and ate one. You went and sweep all of the shattered glasses.

"Ranpo-san, aren't you scared earlier?"


"I mean Akutagawa did enter here earlier right?"


"Aren't you scared?"


'Wow, amazing,' you thought while looking at him. 'How great if I can gather my courage like that?'

"Hey, [y/n]-chan. Come here for a bit," Ranpo said seriously. You out down the broom and did as ordered. You stood on front of him, puzzled. He stood up and smirked.

"Come closer," he said and you bend your body forward a little to go nearer.

"Closer," he said with a irritated tone.

"What do you want?" You asked him as you moved forward. Your faces were only a few inches apart.

"I want this," Ranpo leaned forward and gave a lick just beside your lips. He smiled and licked his mouth. You were stunned and blushed madly.

"Wha- what are you doing?!" You exclaimed and pushed him causing him to lean at his chair.

"As expected. You're having a cotton candy earlier," Ranpo commented. "Or was it the taste of your lips?"

You just looked at Ranpo in disbelief. You're unable to utter anything at all. Your cheeks were red and you can even feel the heat.

"Maybe I should try it again," Ranpo said and leaned closer to you. You walked backwards accidentally fell down.

"Err.. I'm sorry. I think I'm gonna.. Check on... Atsushi." You stood up and quickly went out of the room. After closing the door, you let go of a long sigh. Then, you shook your head and went to the infirmary room.

You opened the door to see that Atsushi was sitting on the bed while Dazai was on the phone.

"Who are you calling?" Atsushi inquired.

"Yosano-san," Dazai smirked and Atsushi shrieked.

"R-really?" Atsushi was sweating profusely.

"Ya. But unfortunately, she isn't picking up her phone." Dazai cancelled the call and Atsushi sighed in relieve.

"Well, let me help you," you said and grabbed the bandages from one of the cupboard.

"No, no it's okay. You don't have to," Atsushi waved his hands as a no.

"Oh really?" You walked over to him.


"Then Dazai, please call Yosano-san to check whether he's really alright," you said. Atsushi's face turned pale. "Oh yeah, and tell her that he's bleeding badly though," you chuckled.

"Okay~" Dazai chirped and started to call the mad doctor.

"NO! WAIT! OKAY, OKAY. I'M STILL IN PAIN. SO, PLEASE, DO NOT CALL HER!" Atsushi pleaded with teary eyes.

You chuckled and started to wrap his wounds with the bandages. You even pulled Atsushi's head to your chest to end it. Atsushi was blushing madly without you knowing. Dazai who was looking at you two pouted. He then went to you.

"Ne, [y/n]-chan~ I want it too," he whined like a spoiled kid while pulling your sleeves.

"Eh? But you're not hurt. Why?" You asked as you finish the wrapping. "Besides, you had bandages all over your body. So I don't think that you should waste it anymore."

"Heh...." Dazai whined.

"Well.. I think I'm gonna wash my hands. Please excuse me," you said and went out of the room.

When you're on your way to the bathroom, you accidentally bang into a person. It's a person with white hair with a fierce face and a green yukata.

"Are you, [l/n][y/n]?" He asked.

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